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KindiCare Excellence Awards 2023

The KindiCare Excellence Awards celebrate the top performing early childhood education and care centres right across Australia.


2023 Award Winners

Tasmanian Winner

Green Leaves Early Learning Launceston

KindiCareOctober 22, 2023

Green Leaves Early Learning Launceston is our State Winner in Tasmania, with a KindiCare Rating of 9.6, and this Apple Isle centre adds an amazing flavour to each child’s learning and development.

Senior Operations Manager, Kylie-Anne Kirkup, says, “At Green Leaves, we understand how important the first five years are for children, and we offer a rich and varied curriculum to bring out the unique potential of each early learner.” At Green Leaves Launceston, there’s yoga, music, active sports programs, bush kinder and gardening (just for starters), and the weekly culinary lessons, led by their popular Chef, Carmen, are always a huge hit! Kylie-Anne says, “All ages participate in these, and the classes are developmentally appropriate for each room. So, the youngest children might have sensory-based cooking experiences, while the Kindergarten children look at mathematical concepts associated with cooking and talk about what a balanced diet means.” The centre kitchen is supplemented with herbs and vegetables grown on site by the children and Educators; and they’re not the only ones who get to taste test the Green Leaves menu. Every Green Leaves centre, including Launceston, has a Parent Lounge, which is part lounge and part café. This space offers complimentary barista-made coffee and baked goods every morning and afternoon, and the Launceston Parent Lounge is super popular with families – and not just because of the free coffee and muffins! Having breakfast at childcare means less stress at home, and families really enjoy the chance to socialise and relax a little at the start and end of each working day. Kylie-Anne says, “The majority of our Launceston families take advantage of this community space, and they can take their time with the children as well, which makes drop-off less rushed and more enjoyable for everyone. “Our chefs get to learn our families’ orders, whether they’re having a flat white with one, or a soya latte; and the entire team has close connections with the children and their families.” Kylie-Anne says many of the Educators have been at Green Leaves Launceston since it opened in November 2020, and their team is consistent and highly qualified. She says, “Our Educators understand the importance of a close connection between children and Educators, and that they don’t just look after the children. They’re expertly trained to support under-sixes’ complete developmental needs, and they stay up-to-date with research around early childhood education.” All in all, Green Leaves Launceston is one of those places people don’t forget. Its childcare community is even better than its coffee (which is really saying something!), and this centre is widely recognised for its quality program, custom-designed environment and professional people. Green Leaves Launceston has been rated Exceeding by the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority, and being named the top centre in all of Tasmania in this year’s KindiCare Excellence Awards says everything about their amazing childcare offering.

Information correct as at July 1 2023
Learn more about Green Leaves Early Learning Launceston.

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