Cameragal Montessori School Neutral Bay
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02 9954 0344Website Approval Date
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Registered with ACECQA
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Give them the best start in life
All parents want their child to have a better education than they did. It’s a basic wish of every parent.
We believe that the first six years of a child’s life are the most important for learning. It’s where children absorb, develop and explore and it’s where attitudes and patterns of learning are formed that last a lifetime. We think you believe that too.
No other education captures the passion and sheer joy for learning the way a Montessori education does. Give your child the best start in life - at Cameragal Montessori School
We provide an under 3s program for children under three years old, preschool for three to six year old boys and girls, and primary school for six to nine year old boys and girls.
We provide an authentic Montessori environment, staffed by exceptional Montessori Directresses and assistants.
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2.65 km