Australia/NSW/2160/Merrylands/Wesley Out of School Hours Care, Merrylands/

Wesley Out of School Hours Care, Merrylands

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Centre Overview

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Opening Hours


32 children



Service Approval Date

25 February 2020

Primary Service Type

Outside of School Hours Care

Registered with ACECQA

Services Offered

Before School Care
School Age
After School Care
School Age
Vacation Care
School Age
About The Centre
Welcome to Wesley Out of School Hours Care, Merrylands. Located at Merrylands Public School, 70 Fowler Rd, Merrylands, NSW 2160, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 32 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 25 February 2020. Read More



KindiCare Rating

The Kindicare Rating for this service of 8.6 is above average for the area, with the average rating for the area being 7.3 and the lowest rating for a service in the area at NR


NQS Rating

This service meets the National Quality Standard and provides quality education and care in all seven quality areas.

Parent Reviews

4.3/ 5
5 Stars (19)
4 Stars (4)
3 Stars (2)
2 Stars (0)
1 Star (3)
Google ReviewOctober 23, 2024
My daughter started kindergarten at merrylands public school as we have loved her teacher and all teachers around the school I can’t help but express that the principal is the reason why I have pulled my daughter out of this school for year 1 . The fact my daughter feels anxious to approach her principal is enough for me . She also had an altercation and was screaming at me infront of my daughter who is in kindergarten due to crossing . And my daughter went to school in tears . I’m so disgusted by her behavior as I’m not the only one who is being yelled out . There is a majority of non English speaking students and parents in the school and she definitely takes advantage of this thinking no body will react to her rudeness towards parents . As a first time school parent I have never felt so disappointed for choosing this school for my daughter .She has no compassion for parents . There was another incident where it was over 40 degrees and I had called and asked for them to open the gates 10 mins earlier instead at the 5 min mark as there was mothers with babies and newborns standing in the heat . She refused and made us wait in the heat until it was originally meant to be open which I find so absurd . I am looking forward for my daughter to have a beautiful school with a loving and compassionate principal. Who treats her mother and parents around the school with respect and kindness . Such a shame as all the staff and teachers have been absolutely beautiful.
Google ReviewSeptember 25, 2024
Google ReviewMarch 14, 2024
I love this school by the way I still go here for 5 years ever since kindergarten I’m in year 5 now and my school is just so good expect for the bathrooms at the school all the kids play and mess in it and put poo and pee stains on the walls and sinks that’s why I don’t use the toliet
Google ReviewDecember 18, 2023
I really love my teacher Ms Watson in 2/6L because I love my class
Google ReviewDecember 12, 2023
Best school
Google ReviewSeptember 02, 2023
Google ReviewJune 07, 2023
My old school when i was in year 3.. I miss this place and my friends :(… (Best SCHOOL EVER)
Google ReviewDecember 12, 2020
i love the school soooo much just its the bathrooms why they always dirty- @.@
Google ReviewNovember 23, 2020
I heard great learning


22.23 km

Merrylands Public School, 70 Fowler Rd, Merrylands, NSW 2160

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