Goodstart Early Learning Oxley - Oxley Road
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1800 222 543Service Approval Date
Primary Service Type
Registered with ACECQA
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Centre Director
Hello and welcome to our current families or those who are yet to join the Oxley Goodstart Family who might be taking the time to read a little bit more about Oxley, myself and the team.
At Goodstart Oxley we acknowledge the traditional owners of this land past, present and emerging and thank them for allowing us to share and learn on their land.
I would like to take a moment to start off by introducing myself to you. My name is Sarah and I am the current Centre Director at Goodstart Oxley.
I have worked within the early childhood sector for over 10 years and have been with Goodstart since their inception in 2010 and I hold my Diploma in Early Childhood services.During my career so far, I have held several positions within Goodstart, commencing as a casual educator then progressing to a leadership role. I have held a centre director position across multiple centres for the past 4 years and have settled in to Goodstart Oxley as my new home. I continue to progress and challenge myself to grow my knowledge and skills every day.
I have a strong passion for working with children, families and educators in the Early Childhood Sector and being an advocate for early learning. I hope to prepare children for endless possibilities, to reach their full potential and become sustainable for their future.
My love for children is not only reflected in my work but extends into my home, as a mother to two girls. I believe every child is unique and brings something special into our world.
The wider community, along with our families, are very important and are our primary partners in delivering a high-quality program. I have an open-door policy that offers a unique experience for each family. Encouraging family involvement, and by including all cultures and beliefs, hoping to create a sense of belonging for both parents and children.
With my passion for child development and my enthusiasm to succeed, in addition to my experience working with different communities and children. I am excited to apply my knowledge in supporting the team here and the community at Oxley.All children and families have a right to the same opportunities for participation, acceptance and belonging regardless of gender, age, socio-economic statues, race, language, beliefs and additional needs.
I look forward to meeting you, so please take the time to call or pop in to introduce yourself.
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