Black Forest Primary School OSHC
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Centre Overview
Opening Hours
Morning: 3.10pm - 6.00pm (Mon - Fri)
120 children
08 8293 8085Website
Service Approval Date
01 January 2012
Primary Service Type
Outside of School Hours Care
Registered with ACECQA
Services Offered
Before School Care
School Age
After School Care
School Age
Vacation Care
School Age
About The Centre
Welcome to Black Forest Primary School OSHC.
Located at 679 South Rd, Black Forest, SA 5035, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 120 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 01 January 2012.… Read More
Parent Reviews
should deserve aa .5 star such a bad school got abused by the teachers
good school
So I went to this school and it was indeed a school that existed.
With that hyper serious anecdote out of the way, I return to insist that this was an educational facility.
I went to this school for my early years of schooling, but I wasn’t learning anything nor preparing for the real world and the teachers just didn’t care. I moved to a private school and discovered that school could be a safe place. There were people that cared, councillors , an effective bullying policy. There were so many more opportunities too, experienced orchestras and choirs. The teachers were kind, and I felt like my class was a family where everyone was kind to everyone.
Just simple check-ins with your students, if you see them struggling in school, help them! If they are getting low grades at school, try to understand why. Is there a family situation going on at home that prevents them from doing homework? Do they have mental health problems that you have just dismissed because you don’t care?
These are children. They have rights. The first (especially) 10 years of their lives are fundamental to their future life. Being bullied in school can lead to very serious problems later in life. Im serious cases, they might end their own lives, because you saw them struggling, and you didn’t help.
Do better.
So I went to this school and it was indeed a school that existed.
Okay on a more serious note, I remember a time during year 2 where I was particularly lonely. I was a very lonely kid back then. I was so distraught by the fact that over the course of three years (reception to year 2) I had failed to make a semblance of social connection. In fact, everyday I dreaded school and especially lunch/recess since it was pure loneliness.
Point is, one day it was lunchtime and I was extremely saddened by my situation and I sat on a bench crying for however long lunch was. No one came to help, not even the yard duty teacher standing 3 metres away from me making regular eye contact.
From that day on, I was left with a forever sour view of the school and most definitely did not prepare me with proper skills that a child should know. This school is the definition of hypocrisy however if you are fond of your experience there then so be it.
I guess they just choose to be ignorant whenever they see fit, certainly ruining many experience of primary school.
ms langman broke my brain pls never keep any 75 year olds hired. not even kidding year 6 was torture i am coming for you ms langman.
This school is really messy. The teachers don't have any slack for the students with meatal heath problems.
I wish I could rate lower that one star.
Black Forest Primary is the most musty dusty crusty school I have ever been to. So many of the students are bullies and the teachers only take act on the victim standing up for themselves (happened to me). The teachers didn't care about student's mental health, nor did they respect and act with the kids who had autism and other mental health diagnosis. I bet they wouldn't do well with kids who either had ADHD or APD. I have now got trust issues from the school, so thanks a lot.
So I went to this schoold and it was indeed a school that existed.
I miss Liz and Mr. Z
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