Australia/SA/5043/Morphettville/Montessori House Morphettville/

Montessori House Morphettville

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Centre Overview

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Opening Hours


60 children



Service Approval Date

28 February 2014

Primary Service Type

Long Day Care

Registered with ACECQA

Services Offered

Long Day Care
25 To 36 Months
More Than 36 Months
About The Centre
Welcome to Montessori House Morphettville. Located at 131a Morphett Rd, Morphettville, SA 5043, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 60 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 28 February 2014. Read More



KindiCare Rating

The KindiCare Rating for this service of 9.2 is higher than the average KindiCare Rating for the area of 8.5


NQS Rating

This service goes beyond the requirements of the National Quality Standard in at least four of the seven quality areas, with at least two of these being quality areas 1, 5, 6, or 7.

Parent Reviews

4.5/ 5
5 Stars (8)
4 Stars (0)
3 Stars (1)
2 Stars (1)
1 Star (0)
Google ReviewJanuary 07, 2024
Google ReviewJuly 27, 2022
Google ReviewFebruary 11, 2020
Google ReviewFebruary 08, 2020
It was ok but we sought out a better alternative because: 1. Consistently our child would spend long time wet (play or wee) and not be prompted nor helped to change clothes. Particulartly bad example was after rain kids did outside play (which is great) but our child stayed soaked from waist down for the remainder of moderately cold day and I found him like that at pick up time. I was given few IMO unsatisfactory explanations such as "child is expected to develop independence". At age 2 and 3 they need help, right? 2. The big fuss about reports and progress turned out to be largely fake. Often reports would have another child's name or even few different names scattered through paragraphs presumably left over from copy+paste. Task competency reported did not match his reality, often off in ether direction. I would rather have educator spend more time with the children and not do any reports at all than waste any time on meaningless reports. 3. Our child's educator did not really get to know our child. "All great" all the time. I think this educator might have left now. But the response from the management was also weak and defensive instead of genuinely trying to improve or even monitor the situation. This is unfortunate we had to leave because the solution could have been very simple if the management made an effort. 4. There seemed to be a very fixed "cookie cutter" approach to everyone, and if it works for your child you might find it excellent, but it did not work for our child and there was no flexibility. It was not all bad, there were good things too. Some educators are excellent and attentive, unfortunately we got them only for short times while our educator was away. The site and building looks purpose built, well secured, safe and age appropriate.
Google ReviewDecember 23, 2019
Google ReviewFebruary 23, 2019
Best early learning centre!


1,168.69 km

131a Morphett Rd, Morphettville, SA 5043

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