Australia/SA/5162/Morphett Vale/Southern Vales Christian College OSHC/

Southern Vales Christian College OSHC

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Centre Overview

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30 children



Service Approval Date

01 January 2012

Primary Service Type

Outside of School Hours Care

Registered with ACECQA

Services Offered

Before School Care
School Age
After School Care
School Age
Vacation Care
School Age
About The Centre
Welcome to Southern Vales Christian College OSHC. Located at 140 States Road, Morphett Vale, SA 5162, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 30 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 01 January 2012. Read More



KindiCare Rating

The Kindicare Rating for this service of 8.4 is above average for the area, with the average rating for the area being 8.1 and the lowest rating for a service in the area at NR


NQS Rating

This service meets the National Quality Standard and provides quality education and care in all seven quality areas.

Parent Reviews

2.7/ 5
5 Stars (21)
4 Stars (6)
3 Stars (8)
2 Stars (3)
1 Star (34)
Google ReviewOctober 18, 2024
my time at southern vales Christian college it has be bast of my life and learn more about God and the friends I made at svcc that help with hand time in my life and I like Mrs. James and Mr. Q from charlotte Davis
Google ReviewAugust 12, 2024
I'm editing this review 5 years after the initial posting, as I realize how fortunate my future is thanks to the education I received from this wonderful school. Also, I learned to choose my words a little more carefully. Teachers are open-minded and willing to entertain classes who are eager to discuss politics and philosophy. Teachers were honest, and diligently kept a Bible-based worldview at the forefront of education. Individual thought, independence and teamwork were focused, ensuring students were given the tools to shape their own futures rather than being funneled into limited 'pigeon hole' career choices. The school was flexible regarding study arrangements, such as accommodating VETIS courses or allowing Year 12 students an early minute if their day was end-loaded with free periods. Monday morning assemblies opened and closed in prayer and worship, with Christian-themed messages woven into the announcements. These assemblies include kids from kindergarten to Year 12, so messages are suitable for all audiences. If I had to complain; Christian Studies classes could've been a bit longer. Teachers put in much effort and overtime. Just the other day I walked into an eatery to find one of my former teachers working away at his laptop, at 7:30 PM on a Friday! Some mornings you could tell the teachers were simply not in the mood, but still slogged it out for our benefit. Looking back, I am surprised how few sick days some of my teachers took, considering the stress we put them through. Sorry! Class was relaxed and we were often allowed to listen to music. All attention was to be directed at the front when the teacher was instructing the class (rightly so). We were almost always allowed to chat as long as we didn't overpower the teacher or create a distracting ruckus. We were almost never refused permission to work on the tables outside or complete our work in the library if we wanted to escape the crowd. The school is very forgiving, and I rarely (if ever) saw a teacher lash out impatiently. Every detention I got was deserved, and I probably should've gotten a couple more - not to say the school let chaos run amok. The uniform is acceptable (modest & comfortable), and students were given the opportunity to design the Year 12 jumper! Facilities are modern and well-maintained. From memory, the school may assist with acquiring laptops (which are required for higher year levels). We were allowed in the library during lunch and free periods. At the time I graduated, the school served art, fashion design, cooking, drama, creative art (drawing, painting, etc), robotics, programming/web design, outdoor education (camping, kayaking, etc), physical education (nutritional health, exercise, sports, etc), psychology, specialist mathematics, various sciences, and more. Excursions and camps were always fun and I still have some of my best memories from them. SVCC strives to provide opportunities for students to bond and for individuals to grow in various ways (so effort is made to tailor the experience for each student). What made it especially great was the promotion of free speech and the relationships teachers were willing to foster with students. School was a second home where conversations with teachers ranged from video games, Biblical archaeology, US politics, blue collar industries and of course, the contemporary degeneration of society which heralds the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ. If I could change one thing (assuming the school would remain legally protected), I wish the school was able to cultivate a stronger foundation for students' faith. Evidence-based teaching could go a long way to improve their spiritual growth, and it has been disappointing to see some classmates drift into the world after their graduation. That said, each teacher was always open to discussing such matters with anyone who cared enough to approach them, and ultimately this is an issue more suited for parents to deal with at home - then again, we know this is the age of delegating parental responsibility to the government.
Google ReviewJune 17, 2024
Southern Vales Christian College was cool. There were a few teachers that made my middle school experience worthwhile, and of course, the friendships I made are one of the high points, but I went into Southern Vales with high expectations, and mostly all of them were not met. I had heard that the arts were top notch, but the main force behind svcc’s fashion achievements retired and everything went downhill. Also, the teachers get annoyed at really small things. One teacher I had got annoyed when the desks weren’t lined up, and we sometimes stayed into the next lesson making sure everything looked like a stock photo. I got good grades, but I didn’t need to try very hard. A few teachers showed favouritism toward a select few people in my class, and I was one of them. I didn’t enjoy it, because I never got the grade I deserved. The facilities at svcc are at quite a lower standard for such a highly spoken of school, and overall, the school looked generally messy and broken. Many things have broken and haven’t been replaced because most of the money gets put into funds for new equipment that – let’s face it – almost no student is interested in. I’m sure the new principal is great, but depending on where they might want to take the school in terms of innovation and opportunities (in the face of an ever-changing society), svcc might had its fall from glory. Also, if you look up ‘svcc abuse facts’. You’ll find a ‘professional’ looking website ‘committed to exposing’ svcc. This is the classic example of ‘don’t believe everything you see on the internet’, as this has clearly been created by probably a past student with an axe to grind. I haven’t personally seen any evidence/questioning situations that could possibly relate to any ‘incidents reported’ online. Unfortunately, some things happen like what is said on ‘svcc abuse’, and its everywhere, not just a humble Christian school. So don’t just target svcc just because you think their rules are ‘unfair’. There are worse schools, and I don't think svcc should get bad publicity for something they clearly didn't do. This was my honest opinion based on personal experience and was not for the purpose of swaying your decision on sending your child to svcc. Do with this review as you will. God Bless.
Google ReviewJune 14, 2024
Excellent school! My kids love it!!
ive been yelled at by teachers before
KindiCare ReviewJanuary 31, 2024
As a former student from this school a few years ago now I can tell you that the primary school was really good and all the teachers where nice but none of the teachers actually wanted to be there, as I a have had multiple teachers personally tell me this. The year I left the school a lot of students left as well and teachers. No one liked the school anymore as the primary principal got really bad and she hated kids!! Know one liked her because she forced you into beliefs people should choose themself at a young age!! The kids and teachers in the primary were amazing and had lots of options and opportunities for them . NOW LET ME GET TO HIGH SCHOOL!! High school I never got to but my former friends have told me it is really bad and all the teachers are mean and abusive!! The teachers are also very rude to students!! One girl told me a teacher got angry at her and got hit her in the head with a book because the girl was laughing at kids behind the teacher making faces! I guess this was the students fault but she didn’t need to literally scream than hit her!! I hate this school and so glad I am out of this horrific cult!
Google ReviewDecember 14, 2023
You this school, instead of giving out knowledge, they give out mental illness !! ><


1,169.68 km

140 States Road, Morphett Vale, SA 5162

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