Camp Australia - Altona Meadows Primary School OSHC
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Centre Overview
Opening Hours
7.00am - 8.45am (Mon - Fri)
64 children
1300 105 343Website
Service Approval Date
01 January 2012
Primary Service Type
Outside of School Hours Care
Registered with ACECQA
Services Offered
Before School Care
School Age
After School Care
School Age
Vacation Care
School Age
About The Centre
Welcome to Camp Australia - Altona Meadows Primary School OSHC.
Located at Alma Ave, Altona Meadows, VIC 3028, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 64 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 01 January 2012.… Read More
Parent Reviews
so bad i got bulled so much nothing has changed a lot of the teachers have quit DO NOT LET YOUR KID GO HERE also there
has been mutable reports of RACISM including TEACHERS
I went here 2019 - 2024 and I just wanna say it was so bad. Recently they got new teachers and they can't teach, write ect. The old ones were great these ones nah. They don't care bout billing at all. Some examples of the teachers can't teach is when a child jumped the fence and the teacher just watched. (I'll not address the name of the teacher or the student) Most of the time you don't learn here most new students get wrose. 2019 - 2021 was great but it just got wrose and wrose. They got rid of the better teachers such as: Ms Gay , Ms Longmire , Ms McCluskey. Infact they got rid of atleast 10 in the same year not including the ones who deiced to quit. Don't go here.
pretty trash, bad teachers and also is just bad because they do not care about bullying
Terrible school. They don’t care for bullied kids
It’s been years and nothing has changed
Just such a beautiful school inside and out, the teachers take their students and make them feel so comfortable that they won't to be back there the next day.
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