Australia/VIC/3029/Truganina/Camp Australia - St Clare's Catholic Primary School Truganina OSHC/

Camp Australia - St Clare's Catholic Primary School Truganina OSHC

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60 children



Service Approval Date

03 December 2014

Primary Service Type

Outside of School Hours Care

Registered with ACECQA

Services Offered

Before School Care
School Age
After School Care
School Age
About The Centre
Welcome to Camp Australia - St Clare's Catholic Primary School Truganina OSHC. Located at 130 Marquands Rd, Truganina, VIC 3029, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 60 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 03 December 2014. Read More



KindiCare Rating

The Kindicare Rating for this service of 8.6 is above average for the area, with the average rating for the area being 6.5 and the lowest rating for a service in the area at NR


NQS Rating

This service meets the National Quality Standard and provides quality education and care in all seven quality areas.

Parent Reviews

3.2/ 5
5 Stars (21)
4 Stars (1)
3 Stars (5)
2 Stars (2)
1 Star (17)
Google ReviewOctober 30, 2024
Google ReviewSeptember 18, 2024
Its good
Google ReviewSeptember 18, 2024
Worst school in melbourne ever dont recommend.
As a former student of this school I would like to share my experience at this school. (Edited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Education: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not trying to blame the school but my grades in math started slipping in 2020 during the global pandemic. Online learning helped me with nothing. All we learnt about was staying healthy and exercising more. We still learnt math but apparently the math group I was in were already moving up to year 6 level math. (I was in year 3). I asked for help and the teachers did NOTHING to help me until I dropped into a math group that taught year 2 level math. I always continued to ask for help but nobody did, I never trusted anyone to be able to help me. It's not that I'm not full of confidence but it's when I ask that they don't help at all, which dropped my grades significantly. I've gone into high school with knowledge I was supposed to earn BEFORE reaching senior years. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teachers: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The teachers I had from prep- year 5 were great. Starting year 6 I thought the year would be good seeing the teachers set to be in seniors. As the year went on I noticed how poorly we were getting treated. It was as if we didn't matter to anyone anymore. Every single day we would hear the same thing. "The preps behave better than you". Well obviously, they're preps. We should be compared to more mature year levels. Instead of mentioning preps they should mention how the behaviour isn't accepted in high school. Punishing EVERYONE for just one group's wrong choices does not teach those people misbehaving to get their acts right. They will take it as an advantage to misbehave more as they know it will affect the whole class and not just them. It's always "I know it's not all of you but the majority of you are making the wrong choices", THEN PUNISH THE MAJORITY INSTEAD OF EVERYONE. Their only excuse when punishing everyone is "You're all a team. You're in this together". No we're not. If someone were to jump off a cliff the rest of the group wouldn't jump of with them because we're all a team. One teacher stepped out of line using inappropriate language, especially during Religious Education. She was just normally telling us off until she decided to really step out of her line in her role. Saying how our current principal was better than our former principal. In my opinion our former principal actually involved the leaders in meetings. Everyone got a chance to stand up and execute a speech. Last year about only 5 or something students executed their speech. The year fives who were excluded which was technically the whole cohort didn't even get a chance to be up there. Leadership speeches helps prepare them for high school because high school involves a lot of speaking. As teachers who have already gone through high school should surely know how much it helps them. Going back to the original topic, after giving an opinion nobody really asked for she decided to talk about high school which was completely wasting our time. Finally she stepped over her line saying "Girls will become, what's the word? Biatches". Everyone was shocked. How could a teacher step over her line and say that type of stuff, especially during Religious education?! Then she decided to call me out, for what? Apparently I rolled my eyes? I looked at her in shock and then moved my eyes to look at the clock and then she called me out. She then continued to pick on the table I sat at to answer questions. After that lesson she apologised, using her anger as an excuse. I've seen teachers as angry as she was before using that language and they never crossed the line. They have self control. That's all I have to say for this school but will probably edit later on.
This school is the first and only school I ever experienced favouritism. What disgusts me is that the favouritism increased more when I reached year six. I noticed how some of the senior teachers showed that they didn't really care for the year sixes. I can only think of two teachers that didn't show that they cared towards the year sixes last year. Surprising how the other teachers that treated everyone fairly and with respect, also started mistreating the year sixes. I was in year five when all the favouriting happened in front of me. The year sixes I was with, all got punished for nothing! They never did anything wrong. If they did it was only a certain group of people. That's another thing that disgusts me. They say "We know it's not all of you, it's the majority of you that make the wrong choices" I find that hard to believe if you punish everyone for the "majority" of the group's wrong choices. One thing about this school that also puts me off is the fences. The fences on the oval are easy to climb and are also really short. Recently, last year a kid in year four apparently ran away from school. How else would they have left the school if the fences were that easy to climb or if they were stupid enough the leave the gates open. Also recently in 2022 there were stalkers that circled the school. During breaktime one of them actually got out of the car and offered candy to little girls and also took their photos. Even in 2019-2021 the speakers were stolen. I was a little suspicious about that because what would people want to do with speakers without wiring? I realised that the school fences that are apparently "guarding" the school are easy to climb and are VERY short. Last year the rules that were changed affected me and maybe a lot of other students or parents. Home-time safety rule is very useless. Who in their right mind wouldn't cross carefully like they've been doing for the past 1-7 years? The drive through rules also pissed me off. Sure it's safe but what's wrong with getting off from the back when there's another staff member at the gate that can supervise those getting off at the back. It's easier getting off the back as well because when you're almost late you don't have to wait for traffic to pass and then get in between the area you're supposed to get off from. The teachers also paid attention to the "well behaved" people. That's another way the teachers show favouritism. Everyone else is behaving and doing the right thing while certain teachers pay attention to those who are always recognised and acknowledged. Every day it's always "Look at ____. They're doing the right thing, try and be like ____." Like no, there are other students doing the right thing and the students that get acknowledged could be doing the wrong thing and they still say they're doing the right thing. Open your eyes! It's not that hard to tell them off for talking or doing the wrong thing, don't just say they're doing the right thing when you can clearly see they aren't. They don't even acknowledge the fact that it's not just one person. Acknowledge those who are actually doing the right thing and not trying to seem like goody two shoes. There's only one teacher I can think of who did this so many times last year, and they should know who they are. If rating this school a zero was a thing I would've done it. The one star is only for the staff that treated everyone fairly and understood what we were going through and from my classroom teachers last year. I'm only thinking of 4 teachers and the other 3 shouldn't get their hopes up. Even other teachers who treated my brother last year I appreciate them and even 3 of my specialist teachers and other staff from different grades. Positive things about this school- Ben had good discipline and disciplined those who misbehaved really well. The school has great security (yard duty not fences). They do their jobs properly and make sure children don't go where they're not supposed to.
Google ReviewFebruary 24, 2024
This is one of the worst schools
Google ReviewFebruary 12, 2024
When this school was run by Principal Andrew it was both well run and my kids came home happy even after attending school. Unfortunately, after Andrew retired the new Principal and staff due to high staff turnover led to a school that had constantly changing rules. A regimented approach seemed to be adopted and the School pickup was mayhem. Some staff over-stepped their authority showing clear bias rather than dealing with issues impartially. If my child was not in her senior year I would have moved her to another school.
Google ReviewFebruary 12, 2024
THIS EMAIL ISNT AN ATTACK, MY OPINION. If reviews matter to you then u can read it idk And as you can see, only the old reviews were a 5 I attended this school for all years, and it started off well I was excited to go and all. Then once year 4 ended it felt like we were over worked, but it wasn't so bad and went by quickly. Then it reached year 6 and I had never felt so discriminated by some teachers. It seemed all the ones that I actually thought were good just leave out of nowhere. The first term wasn't so bad then after they started splitting Grade 5 and 6 the teachers seemed to keep praising grade 5's, thanks what a big help to keep us confident! I don't recommend doing this it just puts the other group down .The only thing making me want to go to this school were my friends, And the thing that shocked me the most was when our old principal left who actually kept this school good and a new one came, nothing wrong with it since he added fun events but one of our teachers got upset and started saying stuff like "This principal is way better than your old principal was" That is your opinion, we all got different thoughts on that statement "Girls are, whats the word? Biatches" We knew the word you said you only added an a. I probably wouldn't forget that because I've never seen a teacher behave like this. At the ending days of our school we had big day out, I was pretty upset that all other year 6s got a big place and we got a golf place and barely any of us knew how to play but still enjoyed the quality time with friends (don't be ungrateful..) after that yr 6's got put into two separate rooms and one was called "the better room" and they got put with their friends and in the other ones we got put with people we never talk to, It didn't feel good because we were leaving and got barely anytime with our friends... I also found some students being favourited, it was pretty obvious. And some were targeted, Not saying any names but one kept getting in trouble and sometimes there was no valid reason. And I can only remember one good teacher that I would actually run up to before they walked into the staff room. AND I WONT EVER EVER FORGET HOW WE HAD TO WRITE A WHOLE PARAGRAPH ON WHERE WE WANTED TO GO ON BDO AND IT GOT COMPLETELY IGNORED.. No attack was intended but the school is slowly getting a bit messy, Plans changed like every week way too fast changing how we have been doing school for 7 years. Not many people followed one of them no offence EDIT: now I understood why I felt happy in grade 4, we were still young so we mattered. We still did in grade 6, but not as much as we were In 4. Now I have to say there are some good things , but as stated previously, Our new principal is doing well but changed way too many things too fast, The eating times before change I believe were fine because I saw preps crying because they were hungry. And separating us in eating time, didn't do any good because most colour groups had their friends, and they snuck out anyway Punishing the whole class for a small groups doing, This was common in this school in senior years. 5 minutes because they heard a small group talking. Then proceed to pick their favourite students to leave because they did nothing wrong, I didnt either but I got picked last. Just cause I don't have a badge doesn't mean I'm a bad kid instantly Principal was a little aggressive when speaking to us, raises his voice randomly and nobody had an any idea why. He had some fun things planned but it felt like preps mattered more to him. The education was a bit too repetitive, we read a book in year 4 and had to read it again. The Playlist didn't teach us much because we had to write about a article with questions. If you don't want to read this, ill just shorten it This school had fun things, all up until we were old and nobody cared about us. Overall the way they treated us and changed too much was the reason I gave this a 2. Id give it a 5 from 4-7 years ago only Andrew kept the school simple and not too forceful.


733.37 km

130 Marquands Rd, Truganina, VIC 3029

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