Australia/VIC/3072/Preston/Nara Community Early Learning Centre/

Nara Community Early Learning Centre

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Centre Overview

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Opening Hours



68 children



Service Approval Date

01 January 2012

Primary Service Type

Long Day Care

Registered with ACECQA

Services Offered

Long Day Care
0 To 12 Months
13 To 24 Months
25 To 36 Months
More Than 36 Months
About The Centre
Welcome to Nara Community Early Learning Centre. Located at 77-99 Rear St Georges Road, Preston, VIC 3072, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 68 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 01 January 2012. Read More



KindiCare Rating

The Kindicare Rating for this service of 9.3 is above average for the area, with the average rating for the area being 7.9 and the lowest rating for a service in the area at NR


NQS Rating

This service goes beyond the requirements of the National Quality Standard in at least four of the seven quality areas, with at least two of these being quality areas 1, 5, 6, or 7.

Parent Reviews

5.0/ 5
5 Stars (7)
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1 Star (0)
Google ReviewOctober 15, 2024
Google ReviewMarch 29, 2023
this place was my home and i travelled 4 hours everyday when i was younger to go here and once i was kidnapped :( but Katie and Lisa came to the rescue :) i was so proud and grateful and they will forever be my heros !!!! ♡
Google ReviewDecember 12, 2019
Nara is amazing. The staff are so genuine and they put a huge amount of energy into making Nara a really special place for the kids. I have two kids there and they both love it. The garden is big and established and the kids spend most of the day outside so they don't get sick like they used to do when they went to a more indoor based centre.
Google ReviewSeptember 24, 2019


707.77 km

77-99 Rear St Georges Road, Preston, VIC 3072

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