Australia/VIC/3106/Templestowe/Cuddly Bear Templestowe Early Learning Centre/

Cuddly Bear Templestowe Early Learning Centre

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Centre Overview

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Opening Hours


55 children

Service Approval Date

01 January 2012

Primary Service Type

Long Day Care

Registered with ACECQA

Services Offered

Long Day Care
0 To 12 Months
13 To 24 Months
25 To 36 Months
More Than 36 Months
Pre-School / Kindergarten
More Than 36 Months


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Additional Centre Information

Cuddy Bear Templestowe Early Learning Centre 

Cuddly Bear Templestowe Early Learning Centre is a privately owned and operated long day care centre and Government Funded Kindergarten.  We provide care and education for children aged from 6 weeks old to 6 years. Our centre is open weekdays between the hours of 7.00am and 6.30pm except public holidays.

We have highly qualified, experienced, and trained educators.  Our program extends on the principles and practices of Australia’s National Curriculum Framework for Early Childhood Education: EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework).  Our educational programs cultivate self-esteem, encourages independence and creativity, and initiates respect for self and others. We teach cooperation and encourage the love of learning and the expression of curiosity.

Cuddly Bear Templestowe Early Learning Centre offers a high quality School readiness program in our 3 year old funded Kinder and 4 Year old Kindergarten provided by a Bachelor trained and experienced Kindergarten Teachers

Cuddly Bear Templestowe Early Learning Centre is a 55 place centre: 

  • 15 children in (4 year old) Funded Kindergarten Room
  • 15 in Pre-Kinder Program (3 year old)
  • 15 children in Toddlers Room
  • 10 Children in Babies Room

We are open Monday to Friday between the hours of 7:00am and 6:30pm, 51 weeks of the year. We are closed on public holidays and for one week at Christmas time.

Cuddly Bear Templestowe Early Learning Centre is a privately owned and operated long day care centre in Templestowe, which provides care and education for children aged 6 weeks to 6 years.

Our aim is to provide an environment where families feel Cuddly Bear is their home away from home. Our friendly, dedicated long term professional educators and Pre School Teachers warmly welcome children and their families each day.

Every child has the right to positive experiences throughout their childhood.

Our philosophy is to provide a safe, happy, secure and stimulating environment for the children which encourages a positive attitude towards learning.

This will be done in a variety of ways, which enhances each individual child’s self-esteem and eagerness to learn, taking into consideration the holistic needs of the individual child.

We have an open door policy as we promote collaborative partnerships with families and the community - Families are always welcome to visit and get involved. We invite you to take a look …..

Cuddly Bear Templestowe Early Learning centre is divided into 4 rooms based on children’s ages and developmental stages. These rooms are

Babies Room – 6 weeks to 2 years
Toddlers Room – 2 to 3 years
Funded Pre-Kinder Room – 3 & 4 years
Funded Kindergarten – 4 & 5 years

All programs at Cuddly Bear involve planning for all areas of children’s learning and development, including their:

  • physical skills (large and small muscles)
  • language and literacy skills
  • personal and interpersonal skills
  • creativity and skills in expressive arts

Babies Room

Our Babies room caters for 10 children aged 6 weeks – 2 years old. Our aesthetically pleasing environment is inviting and calm for all children and families. Our sleeping area is designed to comply with safe sleeping practices.

Many experiences for the children are planned around individual routines such as meal and nappy change times, sleep and settling routines. These plans will be very individualised, and are focused on one to one interactions between your baby and our nurturing educators.

When planning for babies, educators and families need to work together to understand what is seen as being as priorities in assisting their child to settle happily into the service while developing their skills.

Our baby room also has their own separate outdoor play area, where children can explore their natural environment, have fun and feel secure.

Toddlers Room

Our Toddler’s Room caters for 15 children aged 2years old, Our environment is designed to challenge and extend on and promote children’s agency.

Children's art work is displayed around the room in a respectful manner to build on the children’s self-esteem and sense of belonging.

Children share their outdoor environment with the older children.

Planning for toddlers generally has a strong focus on supporting them to develop their language, independence and social skills. Planned experiences will often focus on supporting toddlers to engage in play experiences where they can practice and develop their skills in this area.

Planned experiences also include one-on-one and small groups, and be flexible enough to allow children to engage in each experience in a way that best suits their interests and abilities. Educators will act as guides and role models, helping children to negotiate with others and to express their emotions appropriately

     Pre-Kinder and Funded Kindergarten.  

Our kindergarten rooms are designed for two groups of 15 children.

Our curriculum revolves around the interests of the children and includes a great deal of learning through hands-on experiences. Your child will be busy exploring the environment, confronting problems and finding solutions, thinking and playing creatively. We believe that children learn best in a social context where peers and adults are viewed as valuable resources and the environment promotes exploration, creativity and a sense of wonder. All this assists children to develop a strong image of themselves and a love of learning.
Read more about the Government Funded Kindergarten Program >

    Funded Kindergarten  

Cuddly Bear Templestowe Early Learning Centre is a Government funded Kindergarten.

The Victorian Government provides funding to support children to access a high quality kindergarten program in the year before they start school. The funding is a contribution towards meeting the cost of the kindergarten program.

Your child can only be funded for a kindergarten place at one service at any one time and only for one year (unless your child is assessed as being eligible for a second funded year by your child’s kindergarten teacher).

Our kindergarten teachers are Bachelor Qualified in Early Childhood Education, as approved by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.  Read more about the Government Funded Kindergarten Program >

What are the eligibility requirements for the funded Kindergarten program?

Your child is eligible for a funded year of kindergarten if they are four by 30 April of that year. The Victorian government provides funding for all eligible children to access a kindergarten program in the year before school entry.

The Kindergarten Fee Subsidy (KFS) is available for some children to attend kindergarten for free or at low cost. Your child is eligible if they are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, are a triplet or quadruplet, or if you (or your child) hold an eligible concession card.


We invite you and your family to come and tour our centre at any time, feel free to call the centre to make an appointment on 98464011 , please bring your child so they can have a play and meet their educators too.

On the tour we will answer all your questions. We know choosing an early learning centre or kindergarten is not an easy decision, there is so many centres out in the community, and we want you to feel safe and secure with leaving your children with our amazing educators.

We are here to help you, so if you feel more comfortable bring a list of questions, we will answer each one for you.

To secure an enrolment, we will request forms to be filled out and some legal documents such as birth certificate, Immunisation Certificate stating your child’s immunisation is up to date on enrolment. We will also request a deposit for holding your child’s position.

Orientation is an important starting point for your child and family members to connect to our service.

We encourage each child to attend the Service in the company of a family member three times for a maximum of 3 hours at a time before there official start date with us. This needs to be organised in conjunction with management, as orientation sessions need to be booked in.

This gives you and your child the opportunity to gain an understanding of our program, the lay out of the room, where to find things, provide educators with additional information about your child and how we can best support their transition and settling period. Please fill out the below form, as soon as we receive your form we will be in contact with you to organise a tour.


🐠Swim Program 🐠

Swimming and Aquatic Education Classes

Children enrolled at Cuddly Bear Templestowe are offered weekly swimming classes at the indoor heated, swimming centre – Westerfold Swim Centre during your child’s attendance. This program saves families time, it frees up your weekend and takes pressure of families to take part in extra curriculum programs.

This program is an excursion, families are asked to complete excursion forms, Cuddly Bear Templestowe completes a detailed risk assessment which can be accessed at any time.

When your child is 3yrs or over and is fully toilet trained, you can enrol them to have weekly 30 minute swimming classes during the day they attend Cuddly Bear.

The preschool classes are all about water confidence and then gaining the subsequent skills to move independently and most importantly, confidently through the water. The friendly, qualified teachers use flotation intermittently throughout the class to assist the kids in this process. Jumping in, dog paddling, facial submersion, blowing bubbles and back floats are what the teachers are looking to see before they start teaching the four main swimming strokes.

Limit of 4 children per class. We currently offer the program 2 days per week. Enrolments are taken at the beginning of each term. Please enquire at Cuddly Bear for more information.

Westerfolds, located next door to Cuddly Bear is committed to providing quality swim tuition with an emphasis on stroke technique and development. The dedicated instructors are Austswim qualified, have completed intensive in-house training and have many years of experience. Passionate and committed, their positive attitude is reflective in your child’s enjoyment and progress.

Every child receives a certificate, either an encouragement or achievement, twice yearly. With 7 levels’ in the  program, they cater from the nervous beginner to mini squad swimmers.




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699.53 km

8 Swilk Street, Templestowe, VIC 3106

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