Belgrave Preschool
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Centre Overview
Opening Hours
Morning: 9.15am - 2.15pm (Mon - Wed)
30 children
03 9754 5594Website
Service Approval Date
01 January 2012
Primary Service Type
Registered with ACECQA
About The Centre
Welcome to Belgrave Preschool.
Located at 6 Hayes Place, Belgrave, VIC 3160, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 30 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 01 January 2012.… Read More
Parent Reviews
It's impossible to overstate how much I've loved our experience with Belgrave Kinder. Our child completed two years here, attending the three and four-year-old programs, and she has flourished. It's been a privilege to witness the two teachers, Janet and Steph in action, and I've loved being a part of the community that has grown around this kinder group. I cannot recommend this kinder enough.
Oh Belgrave Kinder. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... Belgrave Kinder has given my child the perfect entry to 'formal' learning. The educator, Marion, is always developing programs that connect the children with the community and wider world in the most beautiful ways.
The room has ever changing focus areas like Chinese culture displays, Indigenous focus spots, areas dedicated to the natural world's processes like bug incubation or sensory sand with buried dinosaurs. It's endlessly impressive to see. They also do mindfulness sessions for the 4 year old children which I love (and I can't quite believe my eyes when I watch it). The two teachers are SO EXPERIENCED but still absolutely up to date with current education studies.
I have basically repeated 3 year old Kinder so that my child experiences the MOST TIME POSSIBLE here. It is that good! 100% recommend to all.
Our first year of 3 year old Kinder has been so so wonderful. Nothing ruffles Marion or Janet. The way they communicate and interact with the children is nothing short of awe inspiring. We have watched our daughter flourish in every way since starting here. Her manners are vastly improved. Her cooperation has increased markedly. She imagination is firing and her creativity is rewarded and encouraged. The children are the most cohesive group. They are caring and empathetic and very aware of emotional intelligence. Little things like the children having flowers on their tables at lunch time make such a difference. They are treated with so much respect and sincerity. Highly highly recommend.
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