Dandenong West Primary Kindergarten
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Centre Overview
Opening Hours
Morning: 8.30am - 2.30pm (Mon)
66 children
03 9792 1944Website
Service Approval Date
04 November 2015
Primary Service Type
Registered with ACECQA
About The Centre
Welcome to Dandenong West Primary Kindergarten.
Located at 32 Birdwood Avenue, Dandenong, VIC 3175, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 66 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 04 November 2015.… Read More
Parent Reviews
Alright school good and bad
The P1 teachers were very good to the students
I would like to say that this primary school is really bad, i came to this school last year ( i am in high school now) and the 5/6 teachers were so disrespectful and rude i have heard now that the school has not improved. When i had come to this school i hated sll the teachers, these are the teachers names ashlyne rebello, nick leikin and ( idk her last name) vernon. Mrs.Vernon was probably The best teacher that year. I wasn’t in nick leikins class but we would hear him screaming at his class everyday for absolutely no reason, I always felt bad for his class because of how much screaming he did. Mrs rebello was okay but she would make her students stay in at break every day. The well-being team is always making kids in trouble for no reason, they always say that the students have a voice and they should use them. I have heard from my friends back in the primary school about them protesting to get rid of a teacher they said her name was ms.C they said that the teacher was bullying the kids and was throwing stuff at them. Is this school safe for your kid? No all the kids their are unsafe. Will my kid/children feel comfortable/safe there? No the teachers treat students so bad. Will my kid/children like this school? No
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