Australia/WA/6065/Pearsall/Camp Australia - Pearsall Primary School OSHC/

Camp Australia - Pearsall Primary School OSHC

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Centre Overview

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Opening Hours


60 children



Service Approval Date

08 February 2013

Primary Service Type

Outside of School Hours Care

Registered with ACECQA

Services Offered

Before School Care
School Age
After School Care
School Age
Vacation Care
School Age
About The Centre
Welcome to Camp Australia - Pearsall Primary School OSHC. Located at Willespie Drive, Pearsall, WA 6065, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 60 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 08 February 2013. Read More



KindiCare Rating

The Kindicare Rating for this service of 8.5 is above average for the area, with the average rating for the area being 7.5 and the lowest rating for a service in the area at NR


NQS Rating

This service meets the National Quality Standard and provides quality education and care in all seven quality areas.

Parent Reviews

3.9/ 5
5 Stars (10)
4 Stars (2)
3 Stars (2)
2 Stars (0)
1 Star (3)
Google ReviewApril 14, 2024
Google ReviewFebruary 06, 2024
Google ReviewJanuary 14, 2024
Great school but why when as soon as I left the school got VR headsets, table tennis tables, playgrounds and much more. Shoutout to Mr G for being a G.
Google ReviewOctober 31, 2023
Pearsall Class of 2017, pretty decent school overall that supported my education from Year 2 to 6. Does Mr Payne still do an announcement about thinking win win for 10 minutes before letting kids on the oval for recess?
Google ReviewAugust 11, 2023
As an ex student from Pearsall I can confirm that it is a wonderful school with very good teachers, great programs and the activities through out all the years are exquisite. They made the 8 years of primary school memorable.
Google ReviewJune 21, 2023
lovely school
Google ReviewDecember 14, 2022
Great school with fantastic principal and deputy principal at the helm. Sadly all schools have bullies (I'm sure we remember when we were kids!), but the staff are very pro-active about eradicating and are very attentive with finding workable solutions. Realistically, no school is 100% bully-free - neither is the workplace or society - but they're on top of it and doing a bloody good job. With all the teachers my son's had over the years, I've felt their culture shows a genuine "care" for the students, by all involved in their learning. Great school and great communication.
Google ReviewOctober 11, 2022
i was bullied my entire life and the teachers nor staff helped at all. i was put in classrooms with the bullies and away from teachers and i spoke with staff about it and they didn't do anything about it. the sport science and music teacher grade unfairly and didnt help at all as soon as i moved in year 7 after graduating year 6 i was passing all three of those subjects for once the principle was nice tho :) also i have no official mental problems like adhd or autisim but several teachers made remarks saying i do, i find those extremely rude
There are so many bullies
Excellent school


3,299.70 km

Willespie Drive, Pearsall, WA 6065

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