Australia/WA/6167/Calista/Peter Carnley Anglican School, Calista OSHC - Extend/

Peter Carnley Anglican School, Calista OSHC - Extend

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Opening Hours


60 children



Service Approval Date

17 April 2019

Primary Service Type

Outside of School Hours Care

Registered with ACECQA

Services Offered

Before School Care
School Age
After School Care
School Age
Vacation Care
School Age
About The Centre
Welcome to Peter Carnley Anglican School, Calista OSHC - Extend. Located at Corner of Gilmore Avenue and Summerton Road, Calista, WA 6167, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 60 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 17 April 2019. Read More



KindiCare Rating

The Kindicare Rating for this service of 8.5 is above average for the area, with the average rating for the area being 7.8 and the lowest rating for a service in the area at NR


NQS Rating

This service meets the National Quality Standard and provides quality education and care in all seven quality areas.

Parent Reviews

2.7/ 5
5 Stars (31)
4 Stars (6)
3 Stars (3)
2 Stars (2)
1 Star (45)
Google ReviewOctober 16, 2024
Pretty darn good school however I have a few critiques. 1. toilets are always locked when I really need them. 2. prefect roles are always rigged due to only ATAR students receiving these roles as general students are never accepted. 3. House Sport days could be a little better. Other than that the school is pretty good and I think the assemblies are underrated. I am feeling a decent to strong 8/10 on this school.
Google ReviewAugust 15, 2024
1 star
Google ReviewJuly 26, 2024
We’re very happy sending our daughter to the school
We love PCACS! My children go to this school. A great school all round. Gives children the opportunities to grow into the best versions of themselves. Also love the fact that one can inquire or ask for any sort of clarification relating to their child and they will happily be assisted and answered to the best of the knowledge available. I recommend!
Google ReviewJune 13, 2024
One of the head teacher's told me my du-rag which is a head where accessory commonly used among the black culture for your hair was gang affiliated they didn’t even know the name of what it was called just assumed that it’s gang affiliated even though we were aloud to where accessories the colour of your house I'm personally annoyed how easy you get profile’d at this school that’s down right rude to say I didn’t even get apology from them
I highly do not recommend sending your child here all they care about is the academic benefits they receive from higher marking students the high school system is a mess most of the head teachers would put the blame on you bunch of stuff happens like a kid getting bashed and they would just sweep it under the rug just to have a good look most of the teachers would have a go with you probably if they don’t like you and they take literally everything seriously you can’t even go do normal thing like go to the bathroom during class you have to go to the sign in area they right your name down on a list and send an email to you parents just for using the toilets the rules are terrible the schools just in it for the money grab it’s just as good as Gilmore at that point they would blame students for random things if they can’t find out who did it and always threaten with suspension for small thing like filming a video with your friends u would probably be better going to kings or something but DO NOT SEND YOU CHILD HERE!
Google ReviewMay 20, 2024
Honesty, I wouldn’t recommend this school. It was the worst decision I’ve ever made about my child. My kid was traumatised because of attitude and had to seek help after. Received a warning letter from the principal and the only reason listed was ‘cannot demonstrate the school value’ and it was issued without a meeting with the principal in person. The academic performance was also mentioned, but my child got top rank and was way above the school average. Felt guilty I didn’t stand up for my child. Of course the teachers are qualified in paper, but otherwise, I highly doubt. My kid was told face to face at school ‘You are not amount to anything’, ‘ You are born evil’. My kid was picked up at the centre of the playground and was humiliated in public almost every day the last month of schooling there. My kid opened up to the teacher talking about the feelings at the rite journey which all the kids was told whatever you talk about will be confidential unless it’s about violence and sexual, but was blamed. When I called the senior head teacher confronting about this, “Guess what your kid told everyone? Bla bla bla.” was the reply. When a kid whose parent is a school teacher at the school lost the tie, my daughter was pulling out before the Naplan test and was told ‘ Better admit it now and things won’t get any worse.’ only because my child hadn’t worn a tie for the last month but was wearing one on that day. I even got a call asking if my child had got a second tie because the tie we bought was worn off. Of course I was angry and called the senior head teacher confronting about pulling my child out right before the Naplan test, ‘ It was not right before. The test was after recess and I pulled her out before recess’ was the answer I got. It has been a while, but I still feel angry about what my child had to go through. It was the worst decision I made. Really, I don’t recommend this school.
I go to it and it is so so so good! You should send your kids there now! Thay will love it 😀 😍 ❤️!
Google ReviewApril 25, 2024
great school


3,287.68 km

Corner of Gilmore Avenue and Summerton Road, Calista, WA 6167

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