A Clever Curriculum

 05 Aug 2022

The Deep Thinking Behind Little Ted’s Learning Program.


AUGUST 5, 2022

‘Curriculum’ is the word we use to describe all the experiences, activities, interactions, routines and events that happen in an education setting, like a childcare centre. 

These happenings can be planned or spontaneous, and every early learning service designs its curriculum with children’s learning and development in mind.  

At Little Ted’s Childcare Centre in Queensland, this couldn’t be truer.  

This 40-place long day care has done a lot of research to develop a curriculum that honours the individualism and potential of every child in the Little Ted’s family.  

They’ve taken some ideas from the great minds of early childhood research and theory, and have created a learning program that’s totally in touch with children’s interests and entwined with the centre’s ever-evolving philosophy and goals.   

Careful thought underpins every early learning day, and the Little Ted’s team are dynamic in how they think and teach.  

For starters, the centre’s curriculum, goals and philosophy are constantly changing as the childcare family learns and grows.   

Little Ted’s curriculum is guided by something called a ‘Statement of Intent,’ which is revisited each term, and all learning experiences relate back to this statement and to the service’s goals and philosophy.  

The centre always aspires to be a ‘home away from home’ and a safe space for children to learn and grow as they follow their interests and achieve their best potential. However, critical reflection is happening all the time, and staff are open to a variety of early childhood theories and educational approaches.  

Centre Director, Amy Russell says, “As we look into different concepts to apply to our learning, we continue to analyse different research methods to narrow them down and apply what works best for our centre, ensuring our choice aligns with our philosophy.” 

One theory they’ve adopted is that of ‘multiple intelligences.’ 

A Harvard psychologist called Howard Gardner came up with the idea that there are at least eight different kinds of intelligences, not just one, meaning a person can be clever when it comes to pictures, words, music, people, nature, numbers/logic, physicality and/or self-reflection.  

Educators around the world have used this theory to tailor learning to individual intellects and teach topics and skills in more than one way, and Howard Gardner’s theory has resonated with the Little Ted’s team, too 

Amy says, “We were intrigued when delving into this world of multiple intelligences and how much it aligned with our thinking. We used the research as a term focus and found that it helped children discover their whole selves. It also gave educators time to understand the importance of teaching one thing in pluralised ways.” 

The service has also adapted the idea of an ‘emergent curriculum.’  

This is a curriculum that’s responsive to children’s interests, skills and needs, and it involves educators planning learning experiences based on the specific group they’re teaching.  

In practice, it means that an educator will observe their group, making a note of each child’s interests and progress, then reflect on these observations and discuss them with other educators.  

At Little Ted’s, it’s really important that all planning decisions are informed, and although children’s interests come first, other things come into play, too. 

Amy says, “We can use the children’s interests and current knowledge, educators’ interests, families’ interests, the physical environment, social environment and also encompass our values into this, to really bring the curriculum together and plan experiences well for every child and group.” 

At Little Ted’s, children also help to plan their own learning experiences. 

Once an educator has observed, documented and conferenced with their colleagues, they plan each child’s learning experiences with the child themself.  

Amy says, “We believe that children are the centre of all learning. Choosing what they want to get out of their day helps to bring joy and allows them to explore different activities that interest them.” 

“Their interests change regularly and staff are able to adapt and change things on a day-to-day basis to ensure all children are learning what they want.” 

There’s a focus on inquiry and play-based learning (which is integral to the emergent curriculum), and lots of opportunities to extend children’s interests and boost their development.  

All this critical thinking definitely pays off.  

Little Ted’s Childcare Centre is highly rated by KindiCare, it’s Exceeding the National Quality Standard and is cherished by everyone in its big childcare family.  

Children love going to Little Ted’s, educators love teaching there, and we’re excited about the dynamism of this service!  

View Little Ted’s Childcare Centre in Oxley on KindiCare >>>