Choosing Childcare Near School
The pros and cons of choosing childcare near school.
Many families buy or rent their homes based on school catchment zones, and when you’re looking for an early learning centre, it also pays to put big school on your radar.
There are practical and emotional reasons to enrol your little one in a centre that’s close to your desired primary school, and if you have more than one child, there’s even more value in keeping things local.
Here are the pros (and a couple of cons) of choosing childcare near your preferred primary school.
First, the upsides…
It may help you choose childcare
If you’re struggling to decide whether childcare close to home or close to work is better, then finding a quality centre in your school catchment zone can clinch the deal.
Childcare close to home means a shorter trip for your tyke at the tired end of the day. And if you think you’re more likely to switch jobs than move houses, it makes sense to focus your childcare search where your family will be living and learning (rather than earning).
It supports a smoother transition
Starting primary school is easier if your child is familiar with their future school.
You can arrange a visit or attend an open day, but if your early learning centre is near your preferred school, their school transition program will likely ensure your child is au fait with that school’s uniform, teachers, facilities and bell!
It’s also likely that a large percentage of your child’s peers will move to the school nearest their centre, and all those familiar faces make the transition easier, too.
It simplifies your commute
If you have a little one in early learning and an older child at school, then drop-offs and pick-ups are a lot easier when you’re not fighting cross-town traffic to get from centre to school, or vice versa.
Close drop-offs mean you get equal car time with both kiddies (gotta keep things fair!), and less travel time overall.
Also, fuel isn’t cheap and parking can be punishing, so choosing a centre and school within walking distance of one another is a positive for both your budget and health.
And speaking of health, if your family is struck by illness during the day, it’s quicker to collect everyone from the same zone, rather than dragging your sorry selves all over town.
It encourages ongoing social connections
Childcare provides a chance to befriend people who are in a similar life stage and location to yourself, and you can form lasting connections when you carry these friendships through the early learning years and into the school ones.
If your children get on well, and you have some work flexibility, there might even be the option of picking up each other’s kids on different days, as an alternative to after school care.
Now, for the downsides…
It doesn’t guarantee quality
Quality is a huge consideration when choosing childcare, and just because a school takes your fancy, it doesn’t mean a neighbouring early learning centre will as well.
It’s very important to judge each centre on its merits, and the KindiCare Rating tells you a lot about how a service is performing.
It’s also important to compare services in your preferred area, shortlist your faves, then tour them in person with your child.
You’re looking for a place that’s enriching, not just convenient, and if you need to look outside your school catchment zone for great childcare, it’s worth it.
It doesn’t guarantee availability
There’s also the problem of demand.
If you prefer a certain primary school, there’s a good chance others prefer it too, and if you’re living in an area with lots of young families, there might be a big squeeze on early learning.
This article helps you work around childcare waitlists, and it’s a good idea to keep your options open.
For instance, you might get the days and hours you want closer to work than school.
And sometimes, an early learning environment is so wondrous that you’re willing to go the extra mile and enrol in a place that’s out of your way entirely.
It’s difficult to predict the future
Life is a series of unexpected events and even the best laid plans can change.
The school you love now, may have lost its sheen by the time your child turns five, or you might move to a different catchment zone. So, think about the future, by all means, but take each year at a time and focus on finding the best learning environment for now.
And remember, whatever you’re wanting – and wherever you’re looking – KindiCare makes it simple to choose childcare in the suburb that suits you best.
Good luck!