Find your Childcare Match

Hints, Tips & Stories
 14 Aug 2023

Childcare Match is a brand-new KindiCare feature that makes it even easier to find the perfect childcare place! 


AUGUST 14, 2023

At KindiCare, we’re all about making the childcare search simple and successful, and the KindiCare App is designed with your family’s needs, wants and wishes in mind. 

Instead of just serving up zillions of vaguely possible places, we provide up-to-date information and finessed search filters to help you make an informed childcare choice. 

And because we want you to find not just a place, but the perfect place, we are excited to launch a brilliant new feature called Childcare Match. 

Childcare Match connects you with services you are more likely to love, based on your personal preferences, and you get the fun of swiping left or right, when presented with your best childcare options! 

To get started, simply open the KindiCare App on Apple or Android and click into the Childcare Match section. 

We’ll take you through a quick series of questions to establish your childcare priorities, and all you need to do is enter: 

  • Your child’s age range 
  • When you want childcare to start
  • The location that works for you
  • What type/s of childcare service you’d prefer
  • Your budget per day or per session, with (or without) your estimated Child Care Subsidy applied
  • Your preferred KindiCare Rating
  • Your preferred National Quality Standard Rating, and
  • Whether you’re actively looking for childcare and/or open to offers from childcare providers 


So, for example, you might tell us that you’re looking for a highly rated long day care place, 7km from home, for your 14-month-old, and that you’d like them to start on 15 January 2024 and pay no more than $135 per day after your Child Care Subsidy has been applied.  

Then, things really get interesting!  

As soon as you’ve added your preferences, Childcare Match will instantly suggest a series of services that suit, and you get to choose which ones to ignore, shortlist or explore further. 


  • Swipe left to ignore the suggested service 
  • Swipe right to add it to your favourites, or 
  • Swipe up to see more details for the place.  


You can also dismiss a service by clicking the cross icon, or favourite it by clicking the heart, and if you’re a little hasty in swiping left, you can re-visit services by clicking the Second Look section in Childcare Match.  

KindiCare’s My Shortlist feature also continues to be really helpful, because it allows you to compare your favourites side-by-side, looking at their relative ratings, reviews, value for money, fees, location and opening hours. 

You can also update your childcare preferences at any time in the My Childcare Preferences section of Childcare Match, and this is great if you want to open up your search to include family day care, dial down the fees you’re willing to pay, or start looking for care closer to work than home.  

We’re confident that you’ll love the new Childcare Match feature, but the best way to get a feel for it is to tap in your childcare preferences. 

Make sure you've got the latest version of the KindiCare App, then get ready to swipe your way to the right childcare place!