Fun Fundraising at OSHC

 16 Jun 2023

This month, Junior Adventures Group is putting the fun into fundraising, with a charity fitness challenge called The Dream Run.


JUNE 16, 2023

Junior Adventures Group runs hundreds of outside school hours care services around Australia through their Helping Hands NetworkOSHClub and Primary OSHCare brands, and this isn’t the only running they’re doing!

Down on the ground, JAG’s staff and children are always busy with fun physical activities, and throughout the month of June, fundraising is part of the program at more than 400 JAG services.

JAG has partnered with The Smith Family on a virtual fitness fundraiser called The Dream Run.

This fundraiser is all about raising money to support disadvantaged Australian kids through education – via a program called Learning for Life – and already, loads of JAG staff and children have signed up for the challenge!

They’ve promised to travel 25km, 50km or 100km this June, raising cash along the way, and there are plenty of travel options. 

As well as running, participants can stroll, skip, gallop, dance, leap, jump, hop and march their way to their distance goal, and we’re pretty sure crawling, backwards-walking, tip-toeing and stair-climbing is ok too, as long as it gets them to their goal on time!

Altogether, JAG hopes to raise $100,000 this June – with half of this cash coming from their centres, and half from their headquarters.  

Mel Crole, CEO of JAG Australia says, “We’re really keen to give $100,000 to The Smith Family at the end of the month, because we know how much good this donation will do, and we’re definitely on track to reach this figure.” 

“In the first week of The Dream Run, our centres raised more than $12,000, and it’s really inspiring to see so many employees and children participating.” 

“There’s a real buzz around this fundraiser, and a lot of creative activity events going on at our services, both before and after school.” 

Every kilometre counts, so Mel is throwing herself into this cause as well. 

She has committed to run 150km in June (that’s not a typo!), and says all is going great so far! 

“I’ve been running four to five kilometres most mornings (and longer on the weekends when I have more time), logging them as I go,” Mel explains, “And have already personally raised $527, with generous donations from family, friends, colleagues and everyone else who wants to make a positive difference in young learners’ lives.”

“I’ve always been a jogger, but am loving that I am now jogging for a purposeful reason that will positively impact children’s learning. I am already looking forward to doing this all again next year!” 

The Dream Run is open to you, too, if you feel like burning off some beans and raising money for an amazing cause (or sitting on the couch and donating some dollars instead!). 

And if you’re looking for outside school hours care, then you’re in luck! 

This year, JAG has launched two clever (and fun) OSHC programs.

Rise Then Shine is their before school care offering, while Stay and Play has after school care covered, and both programs are pretty amazing! 

You can read more about them here, and with the school holidays fast approaching (yep, again), JAG can also help with vacation care. 

To see all your OSHC options, search KindiCare >>>>