Growing, Harvesting, Preparing and Sharing

 21 Feb 2023

How children benefit from the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program.


FEBRUARY 21, 2022

Kitchen gardens are dedicated zones for sowing and growing edible plants. They can be found in homes, on footpaths, in workplaces and in shared community spaces.  

In an early learning service with a large outdoor area a kitchen garden might comprise a full raised garden bed, complete with compost bin and worm farm, in a centre with no outside space it might take the shape of a series of planter boxes loaded with herbs and cherry tomatoes.    

Children love kitchen gardens and in early learning settings they offer a world of opportunity for play-based learning.  

We spoke to the experts at Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation to learn exactly what children gain from getting their fingers in the soil, but first the backstory. 

Celebrity chef, Stephanie Alexander, established the Kitchen Garden Program in 2004 in response to her concerns about growing childhood obesity rates in Australia. Her initiative aims to tackle the problem by supporting teachers to deliver pleasurable food education to children and provide opportunities for hands on learning about fresh, seasonal and delicious fruit and vegetables.     

While originally set up to support primary schools, in 2020 the Kitchen Garden Program for Early Childhood was launched following a hugely successful three-year pilot. 

The Kitchen Garden Program is now available in more than 1000 early education and care services, primary and secondary schools across the country and it’s estimated that the initiative has impacted a million children and young people over its lifetime  

We spoke to Laura Norton the Kitchen Garden Foundation’s Early Childhood Project Officer to learn how children benefit from the amazing range of experiences and opportunities on offer.    

1. Supporting cautious eaters to become curious eaters 

The Kitchen Garden Program is a way to help children develop healthy eating habits and a curious approach to meals.  

“When children are involved in the growing or cooking process, and are sharing with friends or favourite/trusted grown-ups, their interest in trying new things is often piqued!” 

2. Hands-on learning and enquiry  

Laura says that through participating in the program, children have an opportunity to get creative in the kitchen and get out in the garden, nurturing, observing and taking ownership of their patch.  

“Planting seeds and watching them grow into foods to try provokes questions and thinking about the food they eat, the environment and the creatures they come into contact with.” 

3. Family and community outreach 

The program also provides opportunities for family and community members to get involved.  

“Whether through volunteering, working bees, interactions with local business for donations, community markets or harvest stalls, the program can be a vehicle for social cohesion in your community.” 

4. It’s fun! 

The Kitchen Garden Program is grounded in play-based learning and Laura tells us this is all about fun!  

“Digging in the dirt, participating in sensory exercises, and tasting in the kitchen all encourage children’s curiosity and participation. Doing and playing together in a hands-on way, creates fun and inclusivity – all the while learning.”  

5. STEM skills  

Bursting with STEM-aligned activities to boost problem-solving skills and ignite imaginations, children can explore first-hand the science of composting, and pollination, get mathematical with measuring in the kitchen and the garden, or flex their engineering skills through creating insect houses or signage.  

6. Strong connection with nature 

The Kitchen Garden Program has a strong focus on sustainability and helps children gain a sense of agency about their environmental footprint and the steps they can take to make a difference. 

Laura said this happens in loads of different ways, “Whether collecting scraps for the compost, creating a pollinator garden or water saving, time outdoors is active and observational, whole-of-service and team oriented.” 

7. Cultural learning and engagement  

Through participating in the program children can also gain insight into other cultures through an exploration of food, plants and cooking.  

“Looking at foods of different culture leads to learning about geography, maps and language, and family cultures can shine through and be celebrated, while explorations of edible native plants introduce an awareness of Indigenous Australia.”  

8. Embracing activity 

As well as engaging their minds, the program ensures children are active, and have plenty of chances to move.   

“Children have the opportunity to practice gross motor skills through activities such as digging and watering, and refine their fine motor skills through delicate activities such as planting seeds, picking tomatoes or grating vegetables. All these skills build on the scaffolding for confidence and competence.” 

9. Easy to integrate for educators 

Importantly the program is adaptable to any early childhood setting and Laura says the ‘start small, dream big’ approach, encourages children to connect with nature and themselves. For educators, the program provides the framework, tools, inspiration and ongoing support to deliver a rich learning program. 

10. Supporting educational goals 

The program also makes it simple, easy and fun for services to meet the requirements of the National Quality Standard (NQS), and links pleasurable food education to outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). 

To find out more visit the Kitchen Garden Program website or book for an upcoming info session