Latte Love

Hints, Tips & Stories
 31 Mar 2023

Meet Aurora Doncaster the early learning service with a café at its heart.


31 MARCH, 2023

If picking up a coffee when you drop your child in care sounds like a great way to start your day, then you should check out Aurora Early Education in Doncaster. 

Chai tea, cappuccinos, croissants and pain au chocolate are just some of the amazing menu items available to the lucky parents and carers of this gorgeous service, which is the vision of CEO Sheela Edwards.  

Aurora Doncaster is a purpose-built centre which was designed with an open kitchen and café at its very heart.  

A light-filled ‘piazza’ next to the café means parents can ‘stay and play’ if they have the time or order a coffee before giving their child a kiss and heading off to work for the day. 

Sheela says the café and piazza are also well used by parents who are transitioning their child into care and want to stay close but out of sight.    

The reason for this radical rethink in design was, according to Sheela, “To recognise the importance of the kitchen and the role of our chef in nurturing and nourishing our whole childcare community.” 

“Typically, the chef is tucked away and has a marginalised role, despite being a huge part of operations. We wanted to bring the kitchen and chef to the heart of the centre and build everything else around it.”  

To this end, the kitchen at Aurora Doncaster is completely open and has a fishbowl design so everyone can see in and Chef Avi can see out.   

How holistic thinking led to coffee.  

There are three services in the Aurora Early Education family and Sheela says the focus across the network is on providing holistic education and care services.  

However, Aurora approaches this a little differently than most and aims to provide a wrap-around service not just to children, but also to families and the surrounding community, as well as educators. 

“We look at all the elements in everything we do, while children are at the centre of our thinking, we also consider and engage with the rest of the wheel.”  

True to this approach, Sheela says the idea to incorporate a café in the Doncaster service came about at the design phase when she was brainstorming ideas to make life easier for parents.  

“Drop-offs are a huge part of the childcare day, and we spent a lot of time devising ways to streamline and improve the process. Providing the café seemed like a great way to support our parents and the wider community.”  

Turns out Sheela was right, parents love the convenience, price and quality of what’s on offer. And word is spreading.   

“In Melbourne, the coffee capital of the world, quality is everything and our barista trained staff serve beautiful St Ali coffee and fantastic pastries from Noisette. We’re building a really loyal following!” 

In keeping with the Aurora spirit, educators are also welcome to partake of an afternoon pick -me-up and receive a hefty 30% discount. 

 At the moment the café only services breakfast, but lunches will be available soon and there are plans to expand to takeaway dinners as well. 

Visit Aurora Early Education Doncaster on KindiCare to learn more>>>>