‘Out the Gate’ Excursions
Local adventures for little learners at Explore & Develop.
Under-fives thrive when they’re given the freedom to follow their interests, explore their capabilities and embark on real-world awakenings, and at Explore & Develop this happens every single day.
There are 26 amazing Explore & Develop services dotted around New South Wales, all focused on curiosity leading to learning; and Explore & Develop Freshwater and Umina are two great examples of services that go the extra mile for their children – literally and figuratively!
Both these services offer regular ‘out the gate’ excursions as part of their educational program, which means that groups of pre-school aged children get to hit the street (or sand) and actively participate in their community.
On any given day, children and educators trot into town or go further afield.
At Explore & Develop Umina, there are walking excursions to the library, post office, park, bakery, supermarket and other local services.
Groups also jump aboard private and public transport to explore national parks, go to the beach, enjoy some theatre and visit the always popular Australian Reptile Park.
Outdoor excursions are also par for the course at Explore & Develop Freshwater.
Groups regularly walk to the beach and other landmarks as part of this service’s Beyond the Gate Curriculum, which enables children to watch the waves roll in and get hands-on with nature.
All of these outings are super exciting for the pre-schooled aged participants, and there so many upsides to an ‘out the gate’ approach.
Children enjoy physical and mental benefits when they go beyond the boundary of their early learning service, and Explore & Develop’s wanderings help under-fives to make sense of the world and their place in it.
There are opportunities to communicate in clear, respectful and engaged ways with their peers and different kinds of people, and on these outings, the children are much more than just bystanders.
For instance, at Explore & Develop Umina, they get to run errands for their service and buy or borrow things ‘just like Mummy does’ – which also enables them to make links between childcare, home and their community.
Children also learn to make sense of signs and symbols, money and maps, and they’re actively involved in keeping themselves, and everyone, safe.
Before they go ‘beyond the gate’, educators and children at Explore & Develop Freshwater plan the excursion and route together, deciding which supplies to take and how to stay safe on the road and around the water.
Once the excursion is underway, these safety checks get real-world practise, and this level of adventure and autonomy really enriches each child’s sense of self.
Explore & Develop explains that, during ‘out the gate’ excursions, “Children develop self-awareness to become confident, resilient and capable learners, so that they can take responsibility for their themselves, their actions and the world around them.”
They gain an appreciation for nature and diversity when encountering different places and people, and these excursions are a fun and exciting way for under-fives to feel included and valued.
‘Out the gate’ excursions reflect the principles and practices of the Early Years Learning Framework, which is all about ‘belonging, being and becoming,’ and there’s a lot to love about this freer-range approach to early learning.