Planning Back-up Care.
Planning Back-up Care.
Whether you’re a fastidious forward-planner or a ‘fly-by-the-seat-of-your-jeans’ type parent, there will be times when your usual childcare just isn’t happening.
For instance, your kiddo may wake up with a sniffle, your long day care might close for a deep clean, or your family day care educator may be unavailable at short notice.
Whatever happens, it pays to have a back-up care plan.
If your child attends family day care, then it’s best to speak with either your educator or the family day care service.
Laura Howden from Family Day Care Australia says, “Many services will have relief educators for instances like this to make sure childcare can continue.”
However, if there’s no relief educator available, or your child is in centre-based care, it’s time to think outside the square!
Here are 4 possible substitutes for your normal childcare choice:
1. Work from home.
Home offices and flexible working conditions are much more common than they were three years ago, and if you have a job you don’t necessarily need to leave home for, then your best back-up care option is probably you!
Toy rotations, selected screen time and lots of snacks can help you juggle WFH and a little person, and although too much of the work/parenting cross-over induces bad lockdown flashbacks, it will tide you over if your child is suddenly sick or your service has to close.
You may be able to split work and childcare duties with your partner if there’s flexibility in both your schedules, and some employers are kind enough to offer a contingency care plan to parents on their payroll.
For instance, if your workplace has signed up for KidsCo.’s Backup Care, you can book a last-minute, virtual care session for your sick primary schooler while you work remotely.
2. Tap into your leave.
If WFH isn’t possible, or you need to dedicate yourself to your ill or injured child, then look into your carer’s leave.
All employees (except casuals) are entitled to paid sick and carer’s leave, and two days of unpaid carer’s leave is available to all employees (including casuals) each time there’s an unexpected family emergency, or your sick or hurt child needs you to look after them.
If you’re out of carer’s leave or not entitled to it, using annual leave is another option; and instead of burning through one parent’s holiday allowance, you and your partner may consider taking turns using annual leave for unexpected childcare.
3. Call on your nearest and dearest.
If your normal work day in non-negotiable, then your parents (or parent-in-laws) may be available to provide impromptu care.
Many grandparents are super keen to spend time with their cutest relative (even if the relative is a bit sniffly). However, if the Gramps are busy, not in the best of health, or a live too far away, another relative or trusted friend may be able to help instead.
A stay-at-home parent or part-time worker you know well might be happy to add your tyke to their tribe (though you’ll have to be up-front about that sniffle); and you can always sweeten the deal by offering to look after their kiddo some other time, because everyone loves a childcare swap!
4. Hire a nanny or babysitter.
Nanny and babysitter agencies can offer emergency or last-minute care in your home, and although this is pricier than buying your mum a bunch of flowers or promising that childcare swap, professional care-givers are worth their weight in gold.
It’s possible to book emergency or last-minute care with minimal notice, and as an example, Mayday Mummy takes same-day bookings from 4am, and can offer a care-giver when your little one is too sick for care (including if they have a contagious illness, like chickenpox or conjunctivitis).
A quick (ok, desperate) internet search will help you find emergency care in your area – just make sure you’re clear on who’s coming to your home and how much you’ll pay.
Hopefully one of these four options works for you.
At the risk of sounding clichéd, it does take a village to raise a child, and whether you get help from your partner, employer, family, friend or a professional care-giver, back-up planning makes childcare curve balls that bit easier to handle.
And on a related note, you may need to plan your care for September 7.
This is the date when childcare workers around the nation are going on strike, calling for better pay and equal standing in the education system.
Your service will be able to tell you how this national action will affect your day of care, and now’s the time to consider your options and make a childcare plan for Sept 7.