Science for Ages 3 to 5
Experiments your little scientist will love.
Hot Bunsen burners and crazy chemicals are out of bounds for under-fives, but there are lots of brilliant ways to incorporate science into early learning.
Magic milk and colour-changing carnations are guaranteed to fire up your kiddo’s curiosity (without that Bunsen burner!), and from there, the sky’s the limit!
Basic biology, chemistry and physics concepts can all be introduced in the early years, and although you don’t need to be a science whiz to impart some wisdom, a few inspiring ideas and step-by-step instructions definitely help!
Fortunately, the clever clogs at Questacon have put together a whole suite of science activities, designed especially for early learners.
You’re free to try any of them, but for starters, here are four things we think your tyke will like!
Shadow puppets are a bright idea for little kids, because they combine lessons about light and movement, with the theatre of a matinee show.
You can make puppets with paper, or your hands, and it’s interesting to look at toys under the light, too, moving them around to look MASSIVE, then mini.
2. Parachutes.
What goes up, must come down, and testing a variety of DIY parachutes helps to explain gravity – the force that pulls things to the ground.
Every launch will thrill your under-five, and all those crash landings teach them the impact of different ’chute materials on the speed of flight.
Music-making teaches your child how sound travels, and although kitchen drums (aka pots and pans) are always a big hit with littlies, you can also experiment with instruments like tube drums, rice shakers, water xylophones and – every neighbour’s favourite – the foot-stomper!
To explore floatation and water displacement, you can’t go past a kid-made boat or raft in a bathtub or bucket of H2O.
Avocado shell sailboats float well, rock rafts not so much, and your mini-mariner will be deeply interested either way.
Just make sure they’re always supervised around the wet stuff.
Science Time is another awesome Questacon offering.
If you’re in Canberra, it’s easy to attend a Science Time session in person with your preschooler.
Each session focuses on one cool science topic, like ‘insects and spiders’ or ‘space and rockets,’ and kiddies are encouraged to explore and discover, converse and create.
Science Time presenter, BJ, says, the hands-on, interactive sessions are designed for ages three to five and their parents/care-givers, so families can enjoy science together.
“We investigate everything from rainbows to reptiles, and can’t wait to share the marvels of magnets with everyone soon!”
“We also run a variety of Science Sprouts puppet shows during the ACT school holidays. During the next Spring holidays, we’ll be meeting the Little Flower Seed and her garden friends. These shows are perfect for ages three to six, and are always lots of fun,” says BJ.
If Questacon isn’t anywhere near you, there’s always the option of visiting virtually.
There are recorded Science Time sessions here, and your tyke can also tag along on excursions to the Moon and back!
National Science Week is worth a look, too.
This annual celebration of science and technology runs from 13 to 21 August in 2022, and it’s actually one of Australia’s largest festivals.
Lots of early childhood education and care services get into the action, and there are fam-friendly events happening around the nation.
This National Science Week pack also contains lots of science-y early learning ideas to inspire you, and your educators, throughout the year.