What is Hands On Learning?

 07 Dec 2023

At Blossom Preschool, there's a strong focus on hands on learning. See why this is so positive for under-fives.        


DECEMBER 7, 2023

Under-fives are little sponges, sucking up all the wonders of the world;, and everything they see, hear, touch, taste and smell contributes to their early education, future potential, and sense of who they are, and where they are. 

For this reason, hands on learning is really important for young children, and although it’s got the word ‘hands’ in it, this kind of learning isn’t just about touch! 

Hands on learning is when educators (and us parents) actively engage children in experiences that stimulate all their senses and encourage exploration and discovery, and at Blossom Preschool’s four Sydney centres, hands on learning is a big focus.  

Blossom Preschool has centres in Sans Souci, Engadine, Penshurst and Barangaroo, and to learn more about their hands on learning approach, we’ve spoken with Blossom’s Relationships Officer, Jenna Dionio, who’s received some great input from Blossom’s Centre Managers. 

Jenna tells us that hands on learning is incredibly important in a child’s formative first five years.  

She explains that, “For under-fives, a hands on learning approach is crucial, because it promotes cognitive development, fine and gross motor skills, and social collaboration. Through hands on experiences, children build a solid base for future learning, fostering curiosity, and a love for discovery.”  

With this knowledge in mind, Blossom Preschool’s educators come up with age-appropriate, hands on learning experiences for each and every child in their care.  

The babies, toddlers and preschoolers at Blossom Preschool all enjoy hands on learning activities, and Jenna says, “Our educators carefully assess the developmental needs of each child and tailor hands on activities accordingly.  

“Drawing on a diverse range of educational values and play-based learning, educators create age-appropriate, group-oriented, and individualised experiences.”  

And, of course, they don’t do this alone.  

Jenna says, “Support from the Educational Leader in each centre, and collaboration among our staff, ensures a rich variety of experiences that align with children's interests, developmental stages, and group dynamics.”  

Different hands on learning activities happen every day at Blossom Preschool’s centres, and there’s a lot of creativity (and upcycling) involved! 

For example, just recently: 

  • The babies and toddlers in the Nursery have been creating books using repurposed cardboard boxes and children’s drawings 
  • The preschoolers in the Rainbow Room have been collecting recycled materials, that are relatable to their daily lives and the world around them, to add to the home corner for dramatic play 
  • The Rainbow Room children have also watched the roots grow from a tomato plant clipping before planting it in the centre’s garden 
  • Groups have upcycled pencil shavings to use for a collage activity, and 
  • The children have been dipping their dried-out textas into water to create watercolour for painting.  

Hands on learning activities like these are always interesting and fun for little people, and although the educators at Blossom Preschool are highly trained to devise and deliver these kinds of experiences, hands on learning is something us parents can offer as well.  

Jenna says, “As a parent, you can encourage hands on learning by providing age-appropriate resources, engaging in creative play, and incorporating real world experiences.  

“Simple activities, like cooking with your child, exploring nature, or building with blocks enhances their cognitive and motor skills.  

"Being present and responsive to your child's curiosity, while allowing them to explore and experiment, also fosters a love for learning that extends beyond daycare and preschool.” 

If you are looking for an early childhood education and care service for your little learner, there’s a lot to love about Blossom Preschool.  

Their centres are well-rated on KindiCare, and Jenna says families often share how impressed they are by Blossom Preschool’s nurturing environment, dedicated educators, engaging curriculum, and monthly events. 

Jenna says, “Our families really appreciate how our dedicated educators take the time to truly understand each child's unique interests and needs, fostering a deep connection that not only accelerates the settling-in process, but also creates a supportive and enriching environment for every child to thrive.” 

The educators' focus on hands on learning is a great example of this, and if you’d like to get a sense of Blossom Preschool, it’s easy to get in touch!  

Blossom’s KindiCare listings for their Sydney centres contain lots of helpful information, including their website and central phone number – (02) 7233 2244 – and you can enquire about a tour and apply for a place straight from the KindiCare app or website.  

Jenna says, “Enrolments are open for 2024 and our team is available to provide information, answer questions, and guide you through the enrolment process.  

“If you’re looking for childcare in Sydney’s CBD, our brand-new centre, Blossom Preschool Barangaroo, is open for tours and enrolments. And whichever Sydney centre suits you best, we’d love to take you through everything that Blossom Preschool has to offer.”