Win a PlayMe Music Maker
The PlayMe Pat Bells Station makes it easy for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and parents to hit the right note, and you have a chance to win this brilliant instrument!
It’s never too early to begin your child’s musical education, and although triangles, recorders and violins (oh my!) are ideal for older kids, a set of pat-able bells will be perfect for your baby, and for anyone seeking an easy-play instrument.
So, let us introduce you to the PlayMe Pat Bells Station!
This entry-level instrument is designed for ages one and up, and it doesn’t need any tuning or natural-born musical talent.
Your little one simply pats the bells to make them toll, and the sounds that come out of this plaything are as vibrant as the bells themselves.
The brightly coloured bells play a pentatonic scale, and although this sounds high-brow, it just means that they produce a five note musical scale, and sound great, no matter which order they’re played in.
Your baby will be very happy to bash away on their PlayMe Pat Bells Station, but it also comes with a match-the-dots music book that more advanced musicians (i.e. preschoolers) can follow to play a familiar tune, like Old MacDonald.
If you’re a style-conscious parent, you’ll be pleased to put this instrument on public display, because it’s beautifully designed, and any parent would be thrilled to win it!
So, here’s your chance.
Thanks to PlayMe, we have one Pat Bells Station to give away.
This music maker is worth $229.95, because it’s such great quality, and if you’d love to get your hands on it, then head on over to KindiCare’s Instagram or Facebook page to enter this comp.
The more friends you tag, the more chances you’ll have of winning, and while you’re waiting for us to draw the comp, you might like to see what else PlayMe makes.
You can check out their range here, then pop into an independent toy store to see what’s in stock.