Win Hairy Maclary + Bluey Books

Hints, Tips & Stories
 19 Jan 2024

Thanks to Penguin Books Australia, we are giving away some very special collections of Hairy Maclary and Bluey stories!        


JANUARY 19, 2024

It’s been 40 years since Hairy Maclary first trotted out the gates of Donaldson’s Dairy, and five years since a certain family of blue heelers first wackadooed their way into our lives! 

Since then, Hairy Maclary, Bottomley Potts, Bluey, Bingo and all their chums have embarked on many excellent adventures; and to celebrate their enduring awesomeness, Penguin Books Australia has released some very special editions of their stories.   

With sparkly gold covers and back-to-back tales, Hairy Maclary Treasury and Bluey: Treasury are two collections designed to binge now and love forever! 

Hairy Maclary Treasury is a 336-page doggy treat that contains all 10 of the Scottish terrier’s skittery, jittery, mischievous and mad stories, along with a link to the audio book.  

While Bluey: Treasury packs six fun stories into one handy hardback to keep your Bluey-obsessed preschooler (ok, family!) happy for the long haul.  

Both Treasury editions bring something really special to the bookshelf, and you have a chance to win these brilliant collections! 

Thanks to Penguin Books Australia, we have five prize packs to give away, each containing a copy of: 

  • Bluey: Treasury, which includes Fruit Bat, The Creek, Bob Bilby, The Pool, Charades and Hammerbarn; and 
  • Hairy Maclary Treasury, which includes the complete adventures of Hairy Maclary.   

These Treasury editions are pure gold for any young family, or early learning service, and for your chance to win, simply head to KindiCare’s
Instagram or Facebook page and follow the entry instructions.