KindiCare Excellence
Awards 2022
The KindiCare Excellence Awards celebrate the top performing early childhood education and care centres right across Australia.

2022 Award Winners
Australian Capital Territory Winner
Jenny Wren Early Learning by Busy Bees
KindiCare●August 29th, 2022

One of three territory winners in 2022, Jenny Wren Early Learning by Busy Bees located in Mawson in the nation’s capital, achieved a KindiCare Rating of 9.5, to go with the Exceeding National Quality Standard Rating, it was given by ACECQA.

Jenny Wren Early Learning by Busy Bees, which offers long day care for children from 6 weeks to five years, features beautifully designed open plan rooms and a spacious outdoor setting where children are encouraged to exercise their curiosity and engage their sense of discovery. Service manager, Effey Mastoris, has more than 20 years’ experience in early learning and is supported by a team of 30 educators with the service offering 90 spaces for children. According to the website, Jenny Wren by Busy Bees strives to provide a varied and comprehensive learning environment that encourages children to be confident and socially competent. Educators are focused on creating a culture that enriches the lives of children while building on the skills that equip them to face the challenges ahead. They also apply a discovery and exploration approach which focuses on building respectful relationships with children “We follow this philosophy and offer children uninterrupted time for play, plenty of freedom, a calm and relaxed environment, cooperative relationships, and our full attention.” In addition, Jenny Wren Early Learning by Busy Bees promotes an inclusive service that accommodates and understands the variety of values of our children and families, be they social, economic or cultural. They also encourage and support all families through creating an atmosphere of open communication between families, educators and management.