KindiCare Excellence
Awards 2023
The KindiCare Excellence Awards celebrate the top performing early childhood education and care centres right across Australia.

2023 Award Winners
New South Wales Winner
Goodstart Early Learning Woy Woy
KindiCare●October 22, 2023
Goodstart Early Learning Woy Woy has been named the top centre in New South Wales, with a KindiCare Rating of 9.9, and this service is so great that no-one wants to leave!

Centre Director, Tracey Davies started her early learning career at this Goodstart Woy Woy service 17 years ago, and several of her colleagues have been happily employed for a similar length of time. Tracey says, “My Senior Educator in the Toddler room has been at our centre for 17.5 years, my cook has been here 15 years, a couple of my other educators have been here for 10 years, and even my new educators feel like they’ve been here forever, because the team is so welcoming.” There are also plenty of enrolled families with a long-term connection to Goodstart Woy Woy. Tracey explains that, “This year, we have a family who is leaving the service after sending their five kids to us over a period of 15 years. We also have families who come back when they have a big gap between their older and younger children, and they’re really happy to know that there are familiar people here still.” Those who are new to the centre love the place as well. Tracey says, “We often hear parents saying that they’ve toured a lot of services, but our centre has the friendliest feel, and we do make a real effort to invest in relationships and make everyone feel happy and welcome.” Aside from its great culture, Goodstart Woy Woy also has an interesting history! It was an indoor sports centre back in the 1980s, then an indoor children’s play centre in the early 2000s, and the same amazing play equipment remains on site. It’s housed in a space that’s equivalent to two or three storeys high, making this centre a bit like a Tardis, and although the children love to spread their wings on the equipment, or in the park across the road, they also love the intimate feel of their rooms. At Goodstart Woy Woy groups are small, with eight to 10 children in the Nursery and Toddler rooms, and a great educator to child ratio for all ages. This means little learners get personalised care and attention, and Goodstart’s Key Educator system also helps to bring children and educators together. Families are introduced to their child’s Key Educator during the orientation process, and Tracey explains that, “This special educator-child relationship really helps the children to feel safe and supported. They know they can go to this person if they ever need anything, and families know they’ll be heard and understood.” Though, of course, the entire team is on hand to listen, contribute and create a happy early learning experience. Tracey says, “The level of verbal communication at our centre is really high. We’re always focused on meeting the needs of the children, and we love what we do. We really enjoy the positive difference we can make. And although our service – and our people – go way back, we’re always looking forward to help children achieve their greatest potential.” It’s wonderful to see Goodstart Woy Woy’s culture and commitment being reflected in their 2023 KindiCare Excellence Award, and if you ever want to see a huge indoor playground and bunch of happy people, then you’ll find both at this Central Coast service!