Australia/QLD/4031/Kedron/C&K Kedron Childcare Centre/

C&K Kedron Childcare Centre

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Centre Overview

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Opening Hours


100 children



Service Approval Date

13 July 2018

Primary Service Type

Long Day Care

Registered with ACECQA

Services Offered

Long Day Care
0 To 12 Months
13 To 24 Months
25 To 36 Months
More Than 36 Months
About The Centre
Welcome to C&K Kedron Childcare Centre. Located at 257 Gympie Road, Kedron, QLD 4031, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 100 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 13 July 2018. Read More



KindiCare Rating

The Kindicare Rating for this service of 9.2 is above average for the area, with the average rating for the area being 8.6 and the lowest rating for a service in the area at 7.0


NQS Rating

This service goes beyond the requirements of the National Quality Standard in at least four of the seven quality areas, with at least two of these being quality areas 1, 5, 6, or 7.

Parent Reviews

4.5/ 5
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2 Stars (1)
1 Star (1)
We have two children enrolled in C&K and have been at the centre since 2021. It is a supportive, caring and nurturing environment with kind and thoughtful educators and staff. The families make this beautiful community, so many great connections have been formed not only between the children but with parents too. My son is in the kindy room and daughter nursery and we have experienced all transitions and room changes, which have been gently supported by staff on all levels. Great directorship and management here. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend!
Google ReviewJuly 22, 2021
Love how the center make sure that everybody is supported and help the families in whatever they can. The educators are amazing and very caring..the educator asked my son would you go with mommy or me to home and without thinking he ran to Leane his main educator, this made me so happy because I know he is loving it. Jeane, Charne and Karen in the management are very helpful and supporting and make sure we are physically and mentally supported. Thanks C&K, Chris would love his journey in in center until he will be in prep 😀
Google ReviewJuly 16, 2021
With my first child, I sent her to several different daycares across Brisbane. Each one always having a major fault in service or care or hygiene ect… finally came across Kedron C&K and WOW. Absolute perfection on all accounts. The educators always kind, warm, learning focused but also hands on with creative learning. Two years later now both my children still attend Kedron C&K, they both have achieved such wonderful results both in education and play. Without this centre, I would truly be lost. Without any family here, they have become part of our Family. Thank you kedron educators !
We had a terrible experience there. Children are left unattended, only cared for if crying and coming to an adult. Stuff always missing, and it's always because of the child (even though they're only 3), never the staff. The unsafe environment lead to an incident they didn't want to report or change the environment, it took me a week and a lot of insurance to get it actions.. I felt dismissed and told I was lying as parents who say the truth are happy! There was so little activities my daughter came home with 20 artworks on a 12 month time. They constantly change the lockers place so neither parents or children know where their belongings are. Hats are never enforced on head. I contacted the director with no help, the area manager neither. As it's my only experience with a c&k , the image is forever damage to me.
Google ReviewFebruary 27, 2020
My son has been at C&K since it's opening and we love it! He is now in pre-kindy and is thriving. The staff are fantastic and take the time really get to know the children; ensure their needs are met and that they are having a great experience. Chef Ash's food is ALWAYS a hit - In fact now if I tell my son "Chef Ash cooked it" dinner will be eaten without complaint! Communication is great & I'd like to personally thank Jeanie for always having time for parents and giving great advice when any challenges arise at home. It really does take a village to raise a child and I'm so happy we are part of the C&K village!
Google ReviewFebruary 12, 2020
I have had my 3 children at this Centre since it opened in the Birth-3 section right through to Kindy. I have to say of all the centers I looked at, this one was amazing from the start. The staff are attentive and caring towards not only my kids needs but my families needs as well. They are extremely supportive and go above and beyond to accommodate my kids and their dietary needs. They are professional and when I have had feedback it has been dealt with quickly and with a positive outcome.. It also has great leadership under the current direction of Jeannie and the staff all seem happy in their environment. I have no problems recommending this Centre. They are outstanding in my opinion :)
Google ReviewJanuary 30, 2020
My children attended pre Kindy & Kindy at C&K Kedron. Our whole family love the 18 months that we attended this learning facility. The children were happy and made such amazing friendships while being cared for by highly qualified & loving educators. My girls have transitioned into prep effortlessly thanks to the readiness and preparation they received from all at C&K Kedron. I highly recommend this learning Centre.
We had a terrible experience at this centre. The care givers in the 3-4 space honestly did not care about the well being of our child. I will provide some examples. At one stage when we collected our child we found her being fed sand by another child while two care givers sat right beside them having a conversation between them selves. It was not until my husband said hey that’s not ok did the teachers say something. On one occasion when we went to collect our child her water bottle was buried in dirt and the lid was missing this was on a 30degree plus day and the care giver simply told my husband he would have to sift through the dirt to find the lid. Did she have access to water on this day? Who knows. My child was 3 at the time and could still not go to the toilet to do a number two without assistance we explained this to the teachers yet time after time she came home with the number two in her undies as if she had not had any help wiping. Our child’s behaviour also change drastically once she started to attend this centre. The only way to explain what we saw was the children acted like a pack of hyenas and there was no one making sure the children where kind and caring to one another. There was little to no real care being given to our child. We did however have a better experience in the babies space. The cares where kind and attentive. However our child was consistently sick with a range of sicknesses. Although this is normal the open plan configuration allowed a 6 month old baby to be exposed to almost 30 other children at any given time. So you better hope your young baby has a great immune system before sending them here. We spent more days at home having to take time off work than our child spent actually attending the centre. Further more we listened to other family’s that we came to know and they all too had terrible experiences and left the centre. This centre has the potential to be great however they need to ensure the people they employ full time staff and casual actually have a passion and fondness for children and we certainly did not see that whilst our children attended here.
Google ReviewJuly 28, 2019
We can not thank you enough for doing such an amazing job .


737.81 km

257 Gympie Road, Kedron, QLD 4031

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