Australia/QLD/4051/Alderley/Alderley Kindergarten & Preschool/

Alderley Kindergarten & Preschool

Centre Overview

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50 children



Service Approval Date

13 May 2010

Primary Service Type


Registered with ACECQA

About The Centre
Welcome to Alderley Kindergarten & Preschool. Located at 76 South Pine Road, Alderley, QLD 4051, this centre is licensed to provide Centre-Based Care for up to 50 children and received service approval by ACECQA on 13 May 2010. Read More



KindiCare Rating

The Kindicare Rating for this service of 9.2 is above average for the area, with the average rating for the area being 7.9 and the lowest rating for a service in the area at NR


NQS Rating

This service goes beyond the requirements of the National Quality Standard in at least four of the seven quality areas, with at least two of these being quality areas 1, 5, 6, or 7.

Parent Reviews

4.2/ 5
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1 Star (1)
Google ReviewNovember 20, 2023
Alderley Kindy is an amazing kindy. Our son has done 2 years of kindy with Linda and it’s been fabulous. The teachers are always patient, engaging, caring, motivated. They go above and beyond to get our little people ready for school while providing a fun and playful environment. I can’t speak more highly of the kindy, teachers and staff.
Google ReviewNovember 08, 2023
I adore this Kindi and I am so grateful that our little girl had two years here. She is coming to the end of her second year here and I feel sad for her that her time here is nearly over. She has always been treated with the utmost kindness and support, she has flourished here from a very shy girl to a confident girl ready to go to Prep class. My little girl goes to Goodstart Stafford Daycare from Monday to Wednesday and to the Kindi Thursday and Friday. I would happily have sent my child to the Kindi for 5 days if it was an available option. The contrast between the Kindi and the Daycare is palpable, I don't convey the comparison to denigrate the Daycare since they have also provided us a service for which I am very much grateful. However, the difference between the Daycare and the Kindi is palpable with the Kindi being a much better environment. My child always wants picking up early from the Goodstart Daycare but is always reluctant to leave Kindi no matter what time I go for her, she ushers me out in the morning and always wants to stay longer in the evening. She loves her teachers and gets excited at any opportunity to update them with whatever is important to her, she is currently excited to tell all her teachers about her wobbly teeth. Over two years the other children at the Kindi have always been polite, well behaved and frankly delightful. They all seem very happy, I do not ever recall seeing a sullen or disengaged child here. At the Daycare some of the kids are horrors and for most drop-offs the noise and chaos leave my nerves on edge. I believe the children’s good behavior at the Kindi is partly of product of the spacious, green environment but predominately it is a result of the fact that the teachers have high expectations of the children and they assuredly, provide a consistent, energetic level of authority paired with an obvious affection for the children.
Google ReviewSeptember 20, 2023
I started pickup/drop offs when my wife stated she would get anxiety bracing herself for the hostility she would receive here. Impressions were not good, but ignored as it was the only one in our catchment. We were never given an information pack therefore everything from “lunch box water bottle, sheets, bag was all “wrong” & we were made to feel stupid -first time parents because of it. We got very pettily belittled for not having custom bedding I asked what size they needed to which linda said “it says in the information pack” again I said could I get one then please because I don’t believe we ever did. Instead of just politely getting me another she huffed off & I had to ask a 3rd time to someone else The office manager is zoned out. The office is closed more days than open so you cant even notify of child absence Very cliquey, attitudes, eye rolling. 2 years we were here & they would NEVER address you by name. A simple “good morning Linda” on our behalf was ignored and just looked at us. A LOT of sarcastic “jokes” & backhanded comments via her. Children Biting/hitting is tolerated & turned a blind eye too. Another who never bothered to learn names would sort of just start talking from behind you before you realised she was speaking to u Lunch was thrown out It got to a point that saying “this lunch is nut free” wasnt acknowledged so we would leave notes in the lunchbox that would be ignored & still thrown out! She thought our son got green paint in his yoghurt so threw it out. I asked if they were painting while eating-she said no.. I asked how paint got in it then & she couldn’t answer.. I asked to look at it -label indicated it was kiwifruit. Another time my wife was given attitude 4 giving our son “ice cream” in his lunch box again it was yoghurt. Truly stupid. It took them 6 months of us asking how is everyone finding out information if we aren’t given anything in pigeon holes. We had no idea it was photo day or other events. I repeatedly asked where is the information? they’d simply say “it was supplied” we would ask if there’s a newsletter “no we don’t do that” it took me asking another parent how she knew it was photo day & she said “they email you” OHH-When I informed educators & office manager that apparently people are getting emailed updates they finally worked out that our email address had been left off the group emails, I reiterated, that this is kind of a big deal? We’ve been asking several months into the year where the info is shared to and no one could say. Rather than apologise they then changed their tune and said “actually your wife gave us the wrong email address” it was the same email address issued on enrolment & seemed to work just fine there on out. 2 weeks! Before the yr finalised we were told our child is “severely mentally & physically delayed” & would need to repeat. Rattling news to us because paediatricians had always told us how advanced he is. Not only were we in disbelief of their “findings” we were beyond annoyed to be hearing of such things after being there a complete 12 months with barely even a hint of how he’s doing despite asking frequently on a day to day basis. We’d encounter “yeah fine” & they’d literally walk off on you mid sentence. When he attended school the year after next the prep teacher asked why he was kept back a year because she believed he should actually move up a grade & skip prep. When she read the transfer papers from this kindy she was astonished with the way they were speaking about him & couldn’t believe the things they were implying. She simply said “this is making him out to be handicapped, I’m not seeing any of this here. In fact he’s beyond year 1 & he never should have repeated kindy. it comes across as bullying with the phrases & terms they used to describe his “incompetence” I just laughed.. U have no idea Ever since leaving kindy he’s been in extension classes, his school teachers adore him & regularly praise him for his academic achievements & manners. This kindy is not a good fit for ANY child & I would strongly suggest elsewhere
Google ReviewDecember 10, 2019
Incredibly professional. My girls both flourished under the gentle guidance.
Google ReviewMarch 05, 2019
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The provider has not provided details of the services offered at this centre. Please make an enquiry to get more information on services and fees.


735.48 km

76 South Pine Road, Alderley, QLD 4051

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