A Great Beginning for Little Greenies

 26 May 2022

A great beginning for little greenies.


MAY 25, 2022

Great Beginnings Secret Harbour won the 2021 KindiCare Excellence Award for Western Australia, and although it does many things brilliantly, this early learning centre gets a gold star for its green ethos.  

Great Beginnings Secret Harbour has been running a sustainability program since 2019, and this initiative is rooted in the idea that young children can play a real part in eco-action.  

Under the guidance of Sustainability Coordinator, Juliet Davis, every part of the day has Earth-friendly elements, and children are taught to be custodians of our wonderful world, in both a physical and philosophical sense. 

Ms Davis says, “We pride ourselves on teaching children all about the importance of caring for the planet and the environment in which we live. We believe that children are very connected to the world around them, and the concepts we focus on will help them learn and become environmentally-aware adults.” 

Ms Davis leads by example. She won G8 Education’s 2020 National Standout Educator Award for Sustainability in recognition of the many ways she empowers children to be change-makers, and today, she’s sharing a little of what happens at her sustainable centre.  

1. Everyone reduces, reuses and recycles   

Reducing the need for plastics is one of the centre’s key sustainability focuses. Children learn that this is important because plastic takes a long time to break down, and in the different rooms, groups reuse as many materials as possible.  

Ms Davis says, “We have created a resources centre, containing items like cereal boxes, egg cartons and glass jars with lids that our educators can come and use in their activities throughout the day.” 

“Lots of different materials can be upcycled for artwork and room displays, and what we don’t use, we recycle. The children are all aware of just how important this is, and we’re always looking for ways to recycle at the centre and at home. We have recycling bins that make it easy for children to sort their rubbish, and some of the older kids are very keen monitors of what goes in!’ 

2. Centre resources are carefully chosen 

When educators buy resources, they’re mindful of which ones are more eco-friendly and prioritise these wherever possible.  

Ms Davis says, “We try to minimise the purchase of plastics, such as straws, plates and cups, opting for more sustainable options.”  

“Glitter is a big, little thing that we are trying to eliminate from our service, as this is perhaps the worst plastic for the environment. It’s a microplastic, which means it is already broken into small fragments, and our children know that this can cause harm to our sea animals if it gets into the waterways.”  

“We’ve eliminated laminating pouches from our centre, too, and purchase recycled paper or carbon neutral paper for the office. We buy lots of books with sustainable subject matter, and I Can Save The Earth! is a favourite with our young eco-warriors.”  

3. Living things get looked after 

Small children are fascinated by insects and bugs, and the educators at Great Beginnings Secret Harbour tap into this natural interest by handing magnifying glasses to littlies and teaching them to care for creepy-crawlies, instead of hurting them.  

Compost worms are part of the childcare family and Ms Davis says, “Just today, the children found a beautiful slater on the home corner that they wanted to rescue and place in the garden.” 

The centre is also home to several indoor plants and a herb garden, which children help to look after each day with miniature watering cans and loads of love.  

4. Food doesn’t go to waste 

Great Beginnings Secret Harbour is the proud owner of a compost bin and worm farm, which the children help to keep topped up. They’re encouraged to try new foods to minimise food waste, and any leftover fruit and veg scraps go to a good home.  

Ms Davis says, “Our kids motor through different kinds of fruit and vegetables during meals, and what they don’t eat, gets fed to the worms and microorganisms in our compost.”  

5. Water is a precious resource 

Water waste and awareness is a running theme at Great Beginnings Secret Harbour, and Ms Davis says, “We think about every drop we use. Water that’s left over from water play activities and mealtimes is used to water our plants. We’re careful to turn off taps properly, and everyone is on the look-out for drips and leaks.”  

“Also, we always watch what we put in our waterways. Children are taught that glitter, glue, paint and small plastic items shouldn’t go down the drain, and our rain gauge shows them how precious fresh water can be.”  

6. Energy is saved through the day 

From a young age, the children learn to switch off lights when they’re not needed, and they also use the washing line and airers on sunny and windy days, instead of watching educators use the dryer.  

Ms Davis says, “Our toddlers and preschoolers help hang out the laundry on kid-sized lines and this is great, because as well as teaching life skills, it teaches them about the incredible power of Mother Nature.”  

6. Eco-friendly events are celebrated 

Sustainability is part of the weekly program for all ages, and when special events roll around, like Earth Day in April, World Ocean Day in June and National Recycling Week in November, these special dates are used as learning experiences for the children.  

Ms Davis says, “We might do Earth Day craft, making our planet from a paper plate, or build a small world with an underwater theme for World Ocean Day. There are so many ways to think globally and act locally, and the children always dive into eco-friendly, educational activities with enthusiasm. They absolutely love them!” 

Going forward, she says, “The centre is always looking at new ways to become more sustainable, such as opting for biodegradable rubbish bags or investigating solar panels, and our journey is ever-evolving.  

“We are thrilled to be recognised for our achievements with the KindiCare Excellence Award, and are so proud to be part of the green global community.” 

To see everything that’s great about Great Beginnings Secret Harbour, check out their rating and reviews on KindiCare.