A Key Childcare Partnership

 03 Feb 2025

Goodstart Braddon’s Centre Director has some great tips to help you build a strong relationship with your child’s Key Educator.  


FEBRUARY 4, 2025

Sending your little one off to childcare is a big step for them and you, but that first drop-off is really just the beginning!  

Early childhood education and care is a journey, and whether your under-five goes to childcare as a tiny tot, or you enrol them for a year or two before big school, it’s really important to build a strong relationship with their educators. 

This helps to create a sense of consistency, trust and security for your child, while keeping you in the loop; and although all quality educators are committed to the families they work with, a special mention must go to your child’s Key Educator!  

This dedicated educator is your early learner’s ‘special person.’ 

From the moment they meet your family, your child’s Key Educator will work to build a strong and secure bond with them, and you can count on this person to closely support your little one’s learning, emotional wellbeing and development. 

The Key Educator will observe, guide and nurture your child, ensuring their individual needs, interests and routines are met in the learning environment.  

And it’s great to know that this Key Educator is also your 'go to' person. 

You can ask them those big (and little) questions about your child and their time at daycare, and to see how you can forge a positive relationship with this especially important educator, we’ve sought the advice of Krystle Peace, Centre Director at Goodstart Early Learning Braddon in Canberra. 

Krystle has been a qualified Early Childhood Teacher for 16 years, and a Centre Director for eight, so she knows how important the parent-educator relationship is, and what a great one looks like!  

Krystle explains that, “A strong parent-educator relationship is friendly, honest and responsive, with both sides working together in the child's best interests.”  

And though it’s important to connect with all the educators in your childcare circle, Krystle says a positive relationship between you, as a parent, and your child’s Key Educator is especially important. 

This is because: 

  • It fosters trust and consistency for your child between home and their learning environment 
  • It allows educators to tailor learning experiences based on your child's interests, strengths and challenges; and 
  • It encourages open conversations, ensuring that you stay informed about your child's progress and any concerns. 

Krystle explains that, “By working together, you and the Key Educator create a seamless support system that will help your child thrive.”  

She says, “It will also help you to develop a trusting relationship, which ensures you feel safe within the childcare centre as well.” 

Fortunately, building a strong parent-educator relationship isn’t tricky or overly time-consuming.  

Like all relationships, it just takes a bit of effort on both sides, and although this kind of relationship might be new to you, your child’s Key Educator has plenty of experience connecting with parents, and there’s no pressure to be their BFF! 

You can keep things casual yet professional, and Krystle explains that a positive partnership is built on these four foundations: 

  • Open communication – where you regularly share insights about your child's progress, needs and experiences with their educator 
  • Trust and respect – where you and the educator take the time to listen to, and value, each other's perspectives 
  • Collaboration – where you work with the educator to support your child's learning, wellbeing and emotional growth; and 
  • Flexibility and understanding – where you recognise that challenges can, and do, arise, but remain open to problem-solving together. 

The effort you put into relationship-building early on will quickly reap rewards, and it’s not hard to keep a good thing going!

Even with a busy schedule, Krystle says you can maintain a solid connection with your child’s Key Educator by doing these simple things: 

Checking in briefly during drop-off or pick-up 

A quick “How was their morning?” or “Anything I should know from today?” will keep communication open, while a smiley “Thanks for everything” is great for rapport.  

Use the communication tools available to you 

Online platforms, like Storypark, routine diaries, communication books, emails and phone calls make it easy for Goodstart Braddon’s parents to stay in touch and up-to-date, and it’s definitely worth tapping into the tools you’re offered.  

Krystle recommends that you, “Take a few minutes to read and respond to communications when possible” and says,As Centre Director, I will quite often receive emails throughout the day from families, and will always ensure that these messages are passed on to each child's educators.” 

Accept invites to meetings or parent events when possible  

If you’ve got big commitments at home or a hectic work life, it’s not always easy to attend your child’s centre for special events, but if you can find the time, your presence will definitely help with relationship-building, and family-friendly centre events are always fun!  

Share insights from home  

No day is exactly the same when you’re raising a little human, and it’s really helpful for your child’s Key Educator to know about changes in their routine, interests or challenges, so they can better support your under-five. 

None of these actions are too onerous, but the upsides are great.  

Krystle explains that, “By maintaining even seemingly small, meaningful connections, you can help to ensure that your child receives consistent care and support.”  

In time, you’ll find that a positive partnership with your child’s Key Educator – and all their educators – will support your little one to learn, grow and thrive in their crucial first five years.  

You’ll also feel great being part of the childcare family, and if you’re looking for long day care in Canberra, then we can recommend Krystle’s centre!  

Goodstart Early Learning Braddon has loads of five-star reviews from parents, genuinely caring educators, plus a leafy outlook, and it’s easy to book a centre tour.   

Simply click the ‘Make Enquiry’ button when you search for Goodstart Early Learning Braddon using the KindiCare App or kindicare.com and we hope this childcare connection is a great one!