National Reconciliation Week

Hints, Tips & Stories
 23 May 2024

5 ways to connect your early learner with Indigenous culture, history and people - next week, and always.           


MAY 23, 2024

‘Reconciliation’ is a big word for young children to say, but it’s never too early to start the conversation, and take steps to strengthen relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians – because that’s what reconciliation is all about! 

Stronger relationships come from a place of understanding and respect, so it helps to share Indigenous culture, history and achievements with your early learner, partner with Indigenous people, and join your childcare centre on their reconciliation journey.   

Goodstart Early Learning is one childcare provider that’s deeply committed to reconciliation, and National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is an annual event that we can all get on board with.  

In 2024, NRW runs from 27 May to 3 June, and here are five ways for you and your little one to get involved:  

1. Have a conversation while colouring in 

Reconciliation Australia has released a cool-looking colouring-in sheet for NRW 2024, and while your child is relaxing their mind and practising their pencil grip with this printable, you can start a reflective conversation about the theme for NRW 2024 – which is ‘Now More Than Ever’. 

This theme reminds us to keep defending and upholding the rights of First Nations people, and Reconciliation Australia says you can percolate thoughts about relationships and respect by asking your under-five questions like, “How does it make you feel when you’re included with your friends?” and “What would you do if you saw someone was being left out?”  

2. Read some books written by Indigenous people 

Sharing a picture book with your pre-schooler is always a great way to introduce new ideas, perspectives and experiences, and there are so many amazing First Nations stories you can read together.  

You’ll find inspiration on the shelves of your childcare centre, local library or bookshop, but just for starters, Our Home, Our Heartbeat by Adam Briggs and Baby Business by Jasmine Seymour are both worth a look.  

You might also like to donate some money to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF), so that Indigenous children in remote areas can also enjoy great stories and develop their pre-literacy and early literacy skills.  

Book Buzz is a great ILF program that puts books in the hands of under-fives, with a focus on First Language, and you can read all about the ILF here 

3. Support a First Nations business 

Buying local is a great way to show your support for the people running gift shops, green grocers and other small businesses in your area, and buying Indigenous is a great way to get behind the First Nations people who are offering fantastic products, close by or further afield.  

You can search for Indigenous-owned businesses online, and we love the look of the baby gear at Jinndi, and chocolate and teas at Jala Jala Treats! 

4. Go along to a National Reconciliation Week event 

You might find that there is a family-friendly NRW event happening near you, like the Reconciliation Picnic at Parc Menai in Sydney on 2 June, and if not, there’s a very good chance that your early learning service has something planned. 

Hopefully you can go along to share in the festivities, and if not, your child and educators can fill you in on all the NRW action. 

5. Explore what other early learning services are doing 

Social media makes it easy to see how different centres are supporting reconciliation, and you’ll find that many centres are doing things like reading Dreamtime stories, exploring Indigenous symbols, engaging with their Reconciliation Week displays, and welcoming First Nations people on site to share their history and culture. 

One example is Goodstart Early Learning Mount Louisa, which began exploring NRW 2024 back in early May.  

And it’s been wonderful to see Guardian Childcare & Education Preston West unveiling a beautiful mural by Aunty Fiona Clarke, a Kirrae Whurrong/Gunditjmarra woman with a close connection to the centre.  

Whatever you do, we hope National Reconciliation Week is positive and meaningful for your family, and for all Australians – young and not-so-young!