KindiCare Excellence Awards 2022

The KindiCare Excellence Awards celebrate the top performing early childhood education and care centres right across Australia.


2022 Award Winners

Western Australia Winner

Princeton Pre School by Busy Bees

KindiCareAugust 29th, 2022


Located in Osborne Park, Princeton Pre School by Busy Bees, is equal state winner in Western Australia, achieving a KindiCare Rating of 9.6.

This service offers a specialised Junior Kindy program for ages two to five, and in between learning about Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths, Language and Literacy, preschoolers expand their minds (and muscles) with extra-curricular activities. Service Manager, Robyn O’Keeffe says, “We run an Italian program twice a week with a qualified Italian teacher, and also incorporate yoga and Happy Feet dance classes each week.” “The children absolutely love these sessions, and they’re little sponges! They soak everything up and enjoy learning in fun new ways.” They also learn about wholesome food. Robyn explains that, “Nourished Beginnings designs our menu and their nutritionist sometimes comes in to talk about healthy eating with the children, sharing their wholefood philosophy to inspire children to give unprocessed, fresh foods a go for the good of their health and development.” Children also benefit from the tight connections that develop between everyone at the service. Robyn says, “We are a small centre with a mixed age group, which means that children can learn and play with their siblings, cousins or different-aged friends.” “And as educators, we’re really close to the children and their families. We have authentic relationships with them, that begin when families first tour our service and deepen as we get to know them day after day.” “Families love the connections that the educators have with the children. Families tell me that they haven’t seen this level of care at other centres, and we’re proud of the care and commitment we offer.” “Our educators are passionate about early learning, and we’re ‘people people,’ who genuinely enjoy meeting, greeting and getting to know our families.” All of this makes Princeton Pre School a beautiful place to be, and their KindiCare Excellence Award is great to see!

Information correct as at July 1 2022
Learn more about Princeton Pre School by Busy Bees.

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